Monday, January 17, 2011

Vital vs Virtual

Chapter 14
Vital vs Virtual

Vital vs. Virtual
Biology calls is Emergent properties
Physics call it Vacuum polarization
Chemistry call it Osmosis
Religion calls it our soul
Government will call it taxes.

Ben Bova (1988) “Life is, chemically speaking, a molecule that can reproduce itself out of simpler building materials. That is the difference between living and non living systems.”

Theories of Intelligence


Date Proposed


General intelligence
Charles Spearman
Intelligence is one general mental capability represented as g. The g factor underlies performance on all intellectual tasks.
Primary mental abilities
Louis L. Thurstone
Intelligence consists of seven independent primary abilities: (1) verbal comprehension, (2) verbal fluency, (3) number or arithmetic ability, (4) memory, (5) perceptual speed, (6) inductive reasoning, and (7) spatial visualization.
Fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence
Raymond B. Cattell and John Horn
Intelligence consists of two broad abilities. (1) Fluid intelligence is one's biologically based capacity for reasoning and memory. (2) Crystallized intelligence is the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and learning.
Multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner
There are seven kinds of intelligence*: (1) linguistic intelligence, (2) musical intelligence, (3) logical-mathematical intelligence, (4) spatial intelligence,
(5) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, (6) intrapersonal intelligence, and (7) interpersonal intelligence. Most activities draw on several kinds of intelligence.
Triarchic theory of intelligence
Robert Sternberg
Intelligence consists of three major parts. (1) Analytic intelligence is skill in reasoning and in processing information. (2) Creative intelligence is skill in using past experiences to achieve insight and deal with new situations. (3) Practical intelligence is skill in everyday living and in adapting to life demands.
* In the late 1990s Gardner amended his theory to include an eighth intelligence: naturalist intelligence, or skill in recognizing and classifying plants, animals, and minerals.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The ghost in the machine by Leibniz, who is credited with brings the unconscious mental processes into philosophical debate. Romanticism, Darwinism, Freud, Turing, computing, quantum mechanics and Neuroscience are but a few of the associated fields being investigated. Gilbert Ryle’s derogatory description for Rene Descartes mind-body dualism, “where mental activity carries on in parallel to physical action.” Minds do not exist in space, nor are their operation subject to mechanical laws. A person lives through two collateral lives, one consisting of what happens to and with the body (public) the other consisting of what happens to and in the mind (private). Rene Descartes “ Cognito ergo sum” I think therefore I am, believed that mental conduct words are not to be construed as signifying the occurrence of mechanical processes, since mechanical laws explain movements in space , other laws must explain some of the non-spatial workings of the mind. Consciousness is regarded as the fundamental aspect of existence. People feel the passage of time. They are conscious of their own consciousness, they are aware of themselves. Thought is an electrical activity in the brain, how can thoughts move matter, the world of ideas, thoughts, emotions, sensations etc, and move into the world of electrons moving according to the laws of physics. Are we not more than a cleverly programmed automation? No two minds behave the same yet the thought process is nothing more than an electrical-chemical process of the brain. Panpsychists maintain that every little particle of matter is conscious. An atom knows what it is and what it is meant to do. Consciousness emerges when matter and energy are organized to a certain level of complexity. Swirling electrical patterns as exemplified in complex brain activity, and then in principle we can build a system that would be conscious. Carbon atoms are all precisely identical. It is the way that it is put together that is the key to producing life and consciousness. There is ordinary matter and brains are made of ordinary matter with a mysterious, ethereal nebulous sort of substance. Every time we make an observation we inevitably interact with it, interfere with it, and disturb it in some way. This view of nature was transformed by quantum physics and quantum mechanics. The observer and the observed became entangled. Roger Penrose has argued that quantum physics acts in the brain and somehow creates consciousness. Individual neurons in the brain are enormous compared to atomic and molecular sizes but still process quantum electro-chemical processes. Consciousness emerges over time as complexity advances.

When looking at the differences between mechanical and biological of cells or atoms is the programming. Cells have DNA/RNA which tells them what to do and how to do it, atoms have a like structure or dislike for other atoms, which tells them what to bond with and how cells reproduce themselves, atoms can create virtual of themselves and given enough energy, they can become real matter. When looking at morphogenesis and chemical evolution or prebiotic chemistry just to name some of the factors, the similarities are connected by structure and energy. All life contains matter or basic elements. Carbon is the key element; it can contain vital energy which is the existence of life. The only difference between virtual and vital is programming and energy. A human cell can contain -70mV of energy, an atom of carbon contains 8.854 x 10-12 Fm-1 of energy. In the programming we propose to give every atom of the material the knowledge to form itself into a Nero-network. Just like a human egg contains the basic knowledge to form itself into the human structure. Carbon has the properties to spontaneously form molecules of basic DNA and proteins. The structure is dependent on the exterior elements and time and programming to form itself into many forms. There are over 10 thousand known structures of a carbon atom. Darwin’s theory of evolution, Life found a way to exist, forming out of basic elements, (non-living) an action-reaction to its environment. If light was the key to the creation of life, then we use light to program the atom with all the knowledge and allow time and energy to work it’s magic to form a balanced system, after all matter and energy are interchangeable. Light in the form of fire was the first used by humans to create a more comfortable environment to live in. Heat is thermodynamics; combustion creates new elements like “Ash” ash contains titanium harder and lighter than steel.
Matrix showers can contain trillions of bits of information in seconds and can saturate every atom with this information. The human brain is not hard wired, it has been shown to overlap or jump regions. Therefore to create an AI you must allow the system to be fluid, to create its own flow of information rhythms and take a leap of faith. The use of morphic resonance will do the work. The laws of similarity is like produces like, or the effects resemble the cause. The law of contact or contagion is those things which have been in contact remain in contact even at a distance. The assumption is the law of similarity and contact are of universal application and not limited to human actions. The mathematics is similarities and the models are the contacts. It is by virtue of models that the aspects of reality can predict, control and manipulated the very heart of all technology.
Like the world of the magician the world of the physicist is full of unseen connections transverse apparently empty space. Are the mathematical structures of a Grand unified theory or a theory of everything more real than the fields through which they are manifested in space and time or are they the fields more real than the mathematics by which they are described or modeled?
All elements have trace amounts of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (a little extra magic). Life is a singularity. Energy and matter interchange to form and operate the human body, in a contained structure. If one small atom can contain enough energy to equal 20,000Kg of TNT, our atom can generate enough energy to use for space travel. We are a product (like all thing) of our environment, physically, mentally and emotionally (chemically).

Cellular Automation
Dr. Stephan Wolfram, information is an inherent property of matter, CA is a mathematical abstraction and is biomimiory carried to its ultimate expression. Nature herself  works via cellular automata, atom to molecules to cells to living entities.
Using two states x and o. O is each CA’s default state, when two o’s meet they become x, by defining how many o’s come before they become an x changes the pattern.

            Oxoxox            or         oooxoo
            Xoxoxo                        oxooox
            Oxoxox                        oooxoo
Xoxoxo                        oxooox

CA cells only know what’s next to it, the whole picture doesn’t matter . That is law for nanocosm “emergent properties” The Wolfram CA program has derived the key points of Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity from elementary CA boundary conditions.

The heart’s natural pacemaker is a cluster of about 10,000 cells called the senatorial node, it generates the electrical rhythm that commands the rest of the heart to beat. It must do so reliably minute by minute for 3 billion beats in a lifetime. The cells in the heart the pacemaker cells oscillate automatically. Winfree, discovered an unexpected link between biology and physics, that mutual synchronization is analogous to a phase transition. Sync occurs abruptly, the width and distribution is akin to temperature and oscillators. The connections were made by non-linear dynamics and statistical mechanics. Time and space of reactions and frequency pulling into sync. Incoherence is an equilibrium state. If it is unstable, sync would emerge spontaneously.
There are infinitely many different ways for oscillators to be arranged incoherently and is not a single state, it is a family of infinitely many states. 
By using fluid mechanics the infinitely many states become one, there is a critical condition at the threshold at the phase transition that triggers spontaneous synchronization.
Landau damping and plasma physics state that the electrons in plasma (the 4th state of matter) play the role of the oscillators. The players are different but the abstract patterns of interactions are the same.

The brain contains a population of oscillators with distributed natural frequencies (alpha waves) that do pull one another into synchrony, which make more accurate oscillators en mass than individually. The body sync enters at three different levels. At the lowest microscopic level the cells within a particular organ are mutually synchronize their chemical and electrical rhythms vary in lockstep. At the next level synchrony occurs between various organs suit is called internal synchronization. Within each organ suites of genes are active or idle at different times of the day. The third level of synchronization is between our bodies and the world around us, which is called entrainment. The hierarchical organization is far more complex than ever envisioned. We know rules exist, we see the manifestations at a large scale, in behavior of the whole, the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, hormone fluctuations, digestion, alertness, dexterity and cognitive performance. Sleep and body temperatures slow undulations through a range of about 1.50 over a course of a day. Sleep occurs when temperature bottoms out. The body has a cycle of waken and sleep, our breathing and heart rate fluctuate erratically, spinal inhibition paralyzes the body. Naptime and zombie zone is built into all of biology. Dreamtimes start at 10 to 20 minutes (REM) sleep and extent to 1 hour and occur mostly with body temperature. The circadian rhythms of sleep, alertness are not the only ones to lockstep with the body temperature cycle.
The rhythms of short-term memory the secretion of the brain hormone melatonin and several other cognitive and physiological functions also run a constant phase relationship to the temperature cycle and to one another. These disparate rhythms are linked by a biological clock. The adrenal glands and liver cells display circadian rhythms, heart, cells, kidney cells. The clock genes are in every tissue they are localized in the hypothalamus the suprachiasmatic nuclei, two tiny clusters of neurons in the front of the hypothalamus, it is the master clock. The thousands of neutrons in the suprachiasmatic nuclei are oscillators. They spontaneously cycle through a cadence of electrical firing, driven by waxing and waning concentrations of molecules called clock proteins.
The molecular circadian rhythms are themselves generated by an interlocking set of biochemical feedback loops, involving DNA transcription and translation of 8 clock genes. Thousands of these oscillating clock cells manage to synchronize their electrical activity coupled by chemical diffusion of neurotransmitters called GABA, the collective electrical rhythm is conveyed to the peripheral oscillators in the liver, kidneys and other organs throughout the body. The performance of the pacemaker is breathtaking. The adrenal gland secretes a burst of cortical to rouse us for the battles ahead (2 hours before waking). This also explains why chemotherapy is most effective at certain hours and why most heart attacks are most probable around 9 am (peaks in blood pressure) Births around 3 to 4 am, with a curious implication that we tend to live an exact whole number of days. Sunlight(early morning) has the largest effect on the human 24 hour clock. Sunlight in the early evening tends to slow our clocks down. Some sleep disorders are linked to genetic mutations. Group behavior of any collection of quantum particles that obey statistics. Pure radiation (light) and Einstein’s matter (atoms) when chilled to sufficiently low temperatures, such bosons can display a quantum sympathy, they would act as one. The particles would literally lose their identities and fused into indescribable new forms of matter, enshrouded by a spherical haze, singing in unison.

The Emergent Properties
These result from interactions between components. A molecule such as a protein has attributes not exhibited by any of its components atoms and a cell is certainly much more than a bag of molecules. An organism is a living whole greater than the sum of its parts. Life resists a simple, one-sentence definition because it is associated with numerous emergent properties. Each organism and atom interacts continuously with its environment which included other organisms as well as non-living factors. An organism is an expression of vital principle, as a machine, a complex chemical network, each give a distinctive insight into the nature of the organisms, but each is limited. The distinctive sign of life is the emergence of new order, out of the complexities of its material foundations.
The infinities and abnormalities in physic mathematical equations are the phenomena of life. The domain of emergence par excellence. The principles that underlines technology is orderly and predictable relationships between cause and effect. More often than not the relationships are linear. Non-linear does not mean that control is not possible. The mathematization of nature stimulated by the impulse to gain knowledge and control over natural processes lead to unanticipated directions, while leading beyond prediction and control does not rule out intelligibility. Chaos has its own intrinsic logic, and it can arise in a great diversity in non-linear dynamic systems. It is a generic dynamic state, when there is no friction; we get a simple harmonic state. In quantum microstates there is no role of friction.
In 1845 P.F. Verhulst derived a simple non-linear differential equation to describe the growth of a population of organisms under limiting environmental conditions, dx/dt = μx (1 –x/A), x= population size, μ =intrinsic growth rate, A= maximum size attainable. Increases and decreases produce a continuous oscillation. The butterfly effect in the chaos theory is derived from the Lorenz attractors in a 3 dimensional system so the trajectories do not cross giving a butterfly like appearance on a graph. The basic dynamics of these flows are organized around three singularities called saddle points. Quantum states are entangled in ways that make descriptions of separate components and their local casual interaction impossible irreducible properties such as symmetry-breaking in quantum systems is the fundamental reason that there is something rather than nothing in our cosmos. The occurrence of emergent, irreducible properties in quantum system does not mean they occur in macroscopic systems. However emergent phenomena as in super fluidity and superconductivity are microscopic, so emergence is not restricted to microstates. The nature of physical reality is not that described by classical physics and irreducible macroscopic. Emergent properties are not necessarily derived from quantum properties. Radical emergence describes properties of macroscopic systems living or otherwise that are intrinsically irreducible to interactions among component parts. The observer is critical in descriptions of relevant patterns of interaction among components. Only the process of exploration and analysis can reveal which phenomena are “radically emergent,” however the unpredictability of emergent does will always stay one step ahead of ground won by prediction. Thus we see parallels between chaos and emergent properties. Both involve unpredictability, but from different sources. Chaos is sensitive to initial conditions. Emergent is the inability of the observer to predict the behavior of a non-linear system from the parts and interactions. Rarely is a pattern extracted from phenomenon by using minimally biased procedures.
Factors of emergences. Fractal patterns are self similar renormalization, phase transitions. Symmetry – breaking is typical of the morphogenetic processes, involving oscillations creating fractional patterns. Fractional patterns in space and fractal patterns in time = 1/f noise – using power laws, decay of the power spectrum P (f) is self-similar. There is no time scale, the dynamics are scale free. Internal conditions are called homeostasis variables, they interact by feedback. Negative feedback is the source of stability and a major contributor to homeostatic. Positive feedback works the other way, an increase in a variable activates and on increase its variable which is the source of instability (usually neg-pos are found in pairs). The principles are used to invoke mechanical control of systems like central heating or missile guidance systems.
Cybernetics arose from these control dynamics whether within organisms of machines. Synchronous phenomenon is interactions of non-linear oscillations.

Basics of life
Over 100 different atoms in all have been found in space. 23 organic molecules – DNA RNA, amino-acids, formaldehyde, purines, pyramids, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen. The hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen form all the amino acids of proteins, purines, pyramids, peptides, polynucleotide structures, neurotransmitters, they are non-polar, polar, electrically charged, inhibitory and excitatory.

Human’s                       %of weight                   less than 0.01%
Oxygen                        65                                Baron
Carbon                         18.5                             Chromium
Hydrogen                     9.5                               Cobalt
Nitrogen                       3.5                               Copper
Calcium                        1.5                               Fluorine
Phosphorus                  1                                  Iodine
Potassium                     0.4                               Iron
Sulfur                           0.3                               Manganese
Sodium             0.2                               Molybdenum
Chlorine                       0.2                               Selenium
Magnesium                   0.1                               Silicon, tin, vanadium, zinc.

Artificial Neural Network
The neural networks that are increasingly being used in computing mimic those found in the nervous systems of vertebrates. The main characteristic of a biological neural network, top, is that each neuron, or nerve cell, receives signals from many other neurons through its branching dendrites. The neuron produces an output signal that depends on the values of all the input signals and passes this output on to many other neurons along a branching fiber called an axon. In an artificial neural network, bottom, input signals, such as signals from a television camera’s image, fall on a layer of input nodes, or computing units. Each of these nodes is linked to several other “hidden’ nodes between the input and output nodes of the network. There may be several layers of hidden nodes, though for simplicity only one is shown here. Each hidden node performs a calculation on the signals reaching it and sends a corresponding output signal to other nodes. The final output is a highly processed version of the input.
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Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Quantum mechanics has provided us with many modern day tools, a well as describing matter at a very fundamental level. But an act of human consciousness, at one point in space can instantaneously cause a material system to change its behavior, its’ very nature, at a distant point in space. Human consciousness can change things at other points in space even before the thought occurs. The mind does exist throughout all space and time.

Quantum mechanics explains this as, a still-undetected sub quantum force operating on particles to determine their microscopic motion. Quantum mechanics has not yet gained a consensus, but as long as its’ mathematics gives answers that agree with experiments and don’t violate Einstein’s’ theory of relativity, all is well.

The apparent paradoxes of quantum mechanics disappear, if the elementary processes do not distinguish between past and the future, or with it is the cause or effect. Superluminal connections when they are viewed in our time direction are perfectly subluminal when the arrow of time is reversed.

If awareness is something that can be understood scientifically, then a non-computational machine is needed, made of matter, and operating in the physical domain. Roger Penrose believes that the key to the New Non-computational Physics is in quantum gravity (distances at 10-33 cm).

Essays by Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Einstein, deBroglie, Jeans, Planck, Pauli, Eddington and distinguished physicists Brain Josepsen and David Bohm, have found mysticism useful in developing scientific ideas but modern physics offers no support for mysticism or transcendentalism (after 150 years), there  has been no need to introduce metaphysical elements into the fundamental theories of physics or cosmology. Yet the fields of artificial intelligence and quantum computations and neurobiology are convinced that a machine can simulate the human mind (A self-organizing non-linear neural network).

Neuroscientist Sir John Eccles believes in a dualistic mode, in which the mind exists as an entity separate from matter, initiating wave function collapse that release neuron-transmitters at neural junctions. The brains process involves chemical processes, and in principle must be treated as a quantum mechanical machine.

In the dualistic view, consciousness is some kind of extra physical force that acts to cause events to happen, like a collapse wave function or to actualize a particular path. The mind controls the universe and the universe controls the mind, and thinking is still a material process (quantum).

Neural Network 
A network of processors designed to mimic the transmission of impulses in the human brain. Neural networks are either electronic constructions or, often computer-simulated structures. Each processor (neuron) multiplies its input signal by a weighting factor and the final output signal depends on these factors, which can be adjusted. Such network can be “taught” to recognize patterns in large amounts of data. They are used in research into artificial intelligence.

The Nervous system
Impulses are transmitted along a network of neurons. Sensory neurons transmit incoming “touch.” Motor neurons transmit outgoing, Inter neurons – most impulses pass from sensory neurons to motor through inter neurons. Nerves all neurons are cells that are specialized for transmitting impulses from one part of the body to the other, much like the telephone cables do.
Neuron messages can travel 100m/sec (over 200mph) 1 cm3 of the human brain may contain several million nerve cells, that communicate with thousands of others at data-processing network that makes human-made circuit boards look primitive.
Electrical potential -50 to -100mV, -70mV typical.
Action potential -50 to -55mV in a neuron threshold potential is 15 to 20mV.
The human body is a potassium-ion battery. The brain contains about 1027 atoms, and the brain runs on 10 cycles a second called the alpha rhythm. The human brains weighs about 3lbs and uses only 10 watts of electricity and can hold over a hundred trillion possible connections, all capable of simultaneous calculations and can hold 12 hundred terabytes of memory.
Robert Hooke calculation of the number of separate ideas the mind is capable of entertaining is 3,155,760,000 and this is a largely underestimated. Out brain contains 10 billions neurons each linked to 1 thousand other 107 x 107 x 107 x … one thousand times. This gives 107000 possible patterns of connections, but this is just the number for neuron groups. The total Holderness number 1070,000,000,000,000,… .

Morphogenesis is still a mystery in nearly all realms. Morphogenesis means “building of form.” There are 3 keys to life; division – cell or atom, differentiation – take different forms, morphogenesis – recreates itself, movements are by extension, contraction, adhesion. Also known as Pre biotic chemistry (carbon) and Chemical evolution

Osmosis (electrochemistry)
 Mass action ions in mass action, depends on the concentration of reactant and amounts of product. The current does not depend on product.
Osmosis is the process when solutions of two different concentrations are separated by a impermeable membrane (solvents can flow but solutes cannot).
Skin cells are filled with salts, proteins and other material. When the pressure of the opposing forces only allows osmosis to go so far (equilibrium) is called osmotic pressure.
Osmotic is an entropy effect. Proportionality between osmotic pressure and temperature is 1/270. The number of particles in solutions would be greater if the solute dissociated into ions, which enhances conductivity. Conductivity is not a measure of affinity. Osmosis is not a measure of affinity, nor is heat, but is a series of complex relationships. Spontaneous action happens with adding heat or given off heat in the reaction.
Phase diagrams can predict the composition of solids, but materials age as the metal gradually changes.
The mass of a myoglobin, a protein is 1,000 times that of water. Colloid means “glue like” and are aggregates of particles that are bigger than individual solute particles. The test of colloidal is a light beam shining through it – if the light beam is distinguishable it is colloid called Tyndall effect.

Claude Bernard, anesthetics works because of coagulation of a substance on a nerve cell. It is believed alcoholism, insanity, and drug addictions are a result of colloidal proteins undergoing a phase transition on the nerve cells.

Physiology is the physical and chemical processes in the body.
Hemoglobin is made up of several thousand atoms (3 dimensional) subjected to intermolecular forces. Many biochemical systems, heart, lungs, endocrine system are non-linear oscillating systems.

Fechner’s’ law – the more you have the more it takes to notice a difference. Fechner’s oscillating reaction is a heterogeneous system that takes place in two phases, solid-phase, electrode, and liquid phase solution.

Oscillations is glycolyis, it is the reaction in the body in which sugar is broken down for energy. Belousov-Zhabolonsky or BZ reaction is a reaction solution, periodically cycles between rich red, deep blue and new leaf green in a series of sudden and dramatic colors. When applied to the oscillations of glycolyis, form pulses of color.
 The nature of the human cell is an impressive, entropy-defying, energy-utilizing, self-assembling, self-repairing, environment responding nanobot.

In ancient Greece doctors worked under the patronage of Asklepios, the god of medicine, but healers served Asklepios daughter, Hygeia goddess of health. Healing means “making whole.” Food, environmental toxins, exercise, stress reduction, vitamins,  supplements tonics, help maintain your health. To heal the body as a “whole” must be looked at not just a part. Treat the problem not the symptoms. The body has numerous natural defenses against disease and infections. Ph levels, temperatures, oxygen, aroma’s (neuro) sound, sight, energy flows, pressure (power points) are the main factors in the bodies abilities to “heal thy self.”

Absolute humidity 9.41 grams at 680, 7.27 grams per cubic meter. Relative humidity 54%
Saturation 17.31 grams at 680.

Optoelectronic uses both electricity and light. The computation will be electronic and the switching will be optical.

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