Monday, January 17, 2011

Space - time

Chapter 13
Space –Time

Dragging Space and Time
The results of two studies announced in early November 1997 provide unprecedented support for “frame-dragging,” a concept predicted by physicist Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Frame-dragging describes how massive objects actually distort space and time around themselves as they rotate. One of the studies examined frame-dragging around black holes, an example of which is shown here in an artist's conception.
Joe Bergeron
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Professor Andre Linde (1999) from the point of view of the general geometry of space our part of the universe has been created but other parts of this same universe are still being created. If life in our part of the universe were to disappear then it will appear someplace else. So the universe as a whole becomes immortal!

Einstein wrote “the distinction between the past, present and future is only an illusion, even is a stubborn one” The faster you go the shorter time becomes. Time and distance are relative measures that depend on gravity and speed. At 90% 1 earth second will last 44% as long as 1 second on a space ship. Space and time are linked by the speed of light. The four dimensions of space are height, width, depth, and time. The three structures of space time are the differential structure telling how smooth space is. The topological structure; how they are connected, and the geometric structure; the distance between points. If we take -∞ to +∞ than these coordinates span the entire space-time, a space that can be covered by coordinate patches with real numbers as coordinates is called a Manifold.
Newtonian space-time is 3 dimensional geometry and 1 dimension of time. Relativistic space-time is 1 geometry for both space and time. Note that the space-time interval of the relativistic geometry is not always positive. Intervals with a positive, negative, or zero value are called time like, space like, and light like. Einstein’s special relativity demonstrates that time can be warped by the effects of gravity, that is in some extraordinary conditions time would simply vanish from being. Like black holes everything that exists time, space, energy, and matter is wrapped around it and squeezed down to the size of a single invisible tiny dot. Due to corresponding forces of gravity so strong that nothing, not even light is able to escape, this is called a singularity, and time just ceases to function. The gravitational time dilation or slowing down of clocks in a gravitation folds. The proper time interval for a particle moving in a gravitational field is given by dr2=ημv+hμv)dx4dxv, a curved space. A corresponding relation for time and energy (δT)x(δE)≈h if δQ is the precision of the known position and δP the momentum the product will be equal to but never less than Planck constant. (δP) x(δQ)≈h.
We seem to move freely around in space at will, but in time we are helpless, propelled into the future at the rate of one second per second. We observe that many feats formerly though impossible have been realized and even taken for granted. In Einstein’s universe time-travel is a real possibility. The only known thing that can go forwards or backwards in time is energy. At the speed of light, time stand still, beyond that speed, it is “before Time” Rμv-1/2gμvR-λgμv=-8πGTμv,  formulas describes space and time and the curvature due to gravity, with all its implications. Gravity itself would produce waves that can not be seen or felt. The curvature of space time increases with the mass of the object, when condensed into a very small place, a point, time stands still, because at that point, the space-time singularity, the mass density is infinite and the equations of time and space no longer apply. A day without a yesterday. Mathematics and physics as we know them no longer apply, even if the shape deviates from the perfect spherical symmetry, the singularity would still occur.

Test of discrete Space-time symmetries
Charge conjugation (c) invariance
Г(π0 →3y)/Гtotal          <3.1 x 10-8ГCL=90%
Г(η→3y)/Гtotal            <5 x 10-4ГCL=95%

Parity (P) Invariance
Г(η→π+π-)/Гtotal         <9 x 10-4ГCL=90%

Time reversal (T) invariance
decay parameters μ 0.007±0.023
electric dipole moment τ (CLr)>-3.1 and <3.1 x 10-16ecmГCL=95%

CP invariance
Re(dwT)            <0.56 x 10-17ecmГCL=95%
Im(dwT)            <1.5 x 10-17ecmГCL = 95%
Г(η→π+π-)/Гtotal         <9 x 10-4ГCL =90%

CPT invariance
(Me+-Me-)/maverage           <4X10-8ГCL=90%

The fifth force
Nature has a fifth force, one that has never been directly observed. A mysterious force is accelerating the expansion of the universe. There is some negative pressure in the vacuum – something totally alien to all of science. Something that is countering gravity, making the wave a variable not a constant also called quintessence after Aristotle’s fifth element of nature. The first four forces are gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces of the vacuum.
Broken symmetries are the mechanisms by which particles of various types were believed to have been created in the early universe.

1986 Fischbach, the data seems to indicate the source of this 5th force (is a baryon number). Residual accelerations observed by Eotvos vs the difference in a baryon numbers per unit mass for pairs of materials used in the experiments. It reveals a rather striking correlation of relative acceleration and baryon numbers, and suggest the existence of an extra interaction analogous to the electromagnetic interaction, but with baryon numbers in the role of charge of the other 4 forces are – gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions. For 2 nuclei (depends on material) with a baryon the potential with this extra interaction is proportional potential and the extra potential interaction is proportional. The sum of the Newtonian gravitational potential and the extra potential equals the atomic mass which is equal to the dimensionless constant of the fifth force. Of course, the experiments cannot prove that there is no 5th force; they can only set the upper limits on the strength of such a force. If using two or more Yukawa potentials the limits become much less stringent. The general potential consistent with the field theory turns out to be where λ is a constant. This is called a Yukawa potential 1/r potential is a special Yukawa potential with λ=∞, λ = range, λ>10 22cm, if r exceeds λ the force it produces becomes negligible, dealing with several gravitational fields. The value of λ is related to the mass of the graviton, a particle of spin 2 (the same as a photon to electromagnetic). The mass of the graviton is inversely proportional to the range of the Yukawa potential.

Gravitation fields are geodesic in space-time. Geodesic (the smallest distance between 2 points on a curved surface) Newton showed that a spherical shell of matter would exert no gravitational effects inside, this also holds true for Einstein’s theory, but outside the sphere tordal forces are produced by a curvature, or warping, of space-time (the shorter the wave function the bigger the punch of energy) spheres always intersect sphere in circles. Gravity = 1.75 seconds of arc (± .30). A singularity’s density is 5 x 1093 grams per cubic centimeter. Enclosing the singularity would be a spherical “event horizon.”

The Event Horizon
The event horizon is the radius at which matter and radiation disappear down a black hole. The radius at the event horizon is the smallest size that an object of a given mass can have. Matter falling into a black hole liberates energy on the smallest space and time-space scales possible for an object of a given mass. In a black hole, in order for light to not to be able to escape the gravity, the energy in the center must be greater than the speed of light, hence the singularity. Relativity says it is possible to have a particle with the velocity greater than light called “imaginary energy.” A black hole does not rotate in space, but it is space itself rotating. Hawkins’s mini black hole is mass 10 12Kg, radius 10 -15m, temperature 10 11K, radiate 6 x 10 9W.

Aharonov’s time machine
 The time machine is based on quantum theory and general relativity, is a sphere that can rapidly expand or contract. As it expands time will speed up and gravity become proportionately weaker and time will slow down as the sphere contracts and gravity becomes stronger. If the two can be induced into a superposition of states then it will “funnel” in time.

A Null Zone
A null zone is an electromagnetic zone where there is an energy vacuum and an absence of electromagnetic field a space-time overlap.

In Kaluza-Klein theory every point of space-time is thought of as little loops just 10 -32cm across. In modern versions the loops become an object called “seven sphere.” The seven dimensional analogue of a sphere. The seven sphere is the simplest form of multi-dimensional structure that still allows for the universe to be as complex as it is. The universe was born in a eleven dimensional state and there was no distraction between different kinds of force, just a pure state of eleven- dimensional energy. To crack the seven-sphere and reveal the ten dimensions of space would require more than the grand unification of energy. It would require the energy of creation itself. Gravity becomes seriously affected by quantum effects at a scale around 10^-33cm the distance t which the structure of space-time itself becomes affected by quantum uncertainty. There are many theories like type 1, type 2, strings, susy etc. The problem is there are many possible variations and that all of them seem to be beset with infinites and anomalies for example, there is more than one version. Electric charge is not conserved so charge can appear out of nothing and disappearing at will. Only one form, so far, of symmetry removes the anomalies and the infinities, technically, SO (32) 32 dimensions which tends to describe two complete worlds alongside each other. Out world and the so-called “shadow” world or mirror, dark-light, the dualities only detectable by gravity. Gravity appears naturally out of the superstring theories and out of Einstein’s curved space-time. Carrying out the calculations in quantum field theories and you end up with Einstein’s general theory of relativity, but still you are beset with infinites which are impossible to remove. Gravitons or a mass less spin -2 particles always falls out of the equations.
John Schwatz referred to these infinites as a “Deep truth” that must be telling us something fundamental about the universe. Gravity is a quantum phenomenon. Symmetry is used to describe relationships between forces and particles. The reflection symmetry of a pattern or mirror image is a familiar example, or a sphere. It looks the same no matter how it is rotated and posses spherical symmetry or to be rotationally invariant.

A person isolated from environmental cues, the human circadian system proceeds at a fairly uniform speed that is longer than 24 hours. Our internal clock is slow by about an hour per day (mostly variations in light intensity).
Entrainment is also a non-linear phenomenon known as free-running periods (humans 24 to 23 hours) with changes in light – also sensitive to temperatures, increased temperatures slow the free-running periods (23 to 24.5 hours) which is also an emergent property of non-linear systems. The duality light-temperature in most cases non-linear systems temporal evolution will stabilize, but with an infinite set of attractors.

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