Monday, January 17, 2011


Chapter 12

Known Energy Sources
Geothermal comes from the earth’s core.
Hydroelectric – water - creates a billion watts of power per day.
Photosynthetic is the burning of wood and coal.
Photo voltaic cells (light) or better known as solar batteries. Solar power comes from the sun at 100 watts per square meter at ground level.
Wind mills generate 1 mega watt per day at wind speeds of 10m/s.
Then of course we have Fossil fuels; oil and gas.
The use of atoms and particles, one atom is equal to 20,000 kg of TNT. A proton pulse 450,000 joules. A tevatron pulse can move a car at 60m/hr. Light – 1 watt squared = 20 torr magnetic
Bio mechanical is what a human puts out per day - 97 watts, but humans use 10,000 watts per person per day in offices, homes, cars, 3,000 watts of that per person per day is in electricity alone.

The constants of nature turn out different from numbers with a factor of 100 or so to 1, but 1040 and its square 1080. If we follow Planck and computed an estimate for the action of the observable universe you get 10120. The use of the Hubble telescope shows that the universe is accelerating. These observations imply the existence of a positive cosmological constant expressed as a numerical value as a pure dimensionless number by measuring in units of the square of Planck length you get 10-120. Eddington did not distinguish between the number of particles in the entire universe (which might be infinite) and the number of particles in the observable universe. Defined as a sphere about the radius equal to the speed of light times the present age of the universe. Eddington believed that there are 15,747,724,136,275,002,577,605,653,931,181,555,468,044,717,914,527,116,709,366,231,425,076,185,631,031,296 protons in the universe and the same amount of electrons. Denoted by Nedd≈1080 ratio of the masses of protons and electrons mpr/me ≈1840 the inverse of the fine structure constant 2πh/e²≈137 (experimental 1/ά = 137.035989561) the ratio of the gravitational force to the electromagnetic force between an electron and proton, e²/GmprMe≈1040 add the cosmological number Nedd≈1080. These four numbers are called the ultimate constants. The visible universe contains 1 atom per cubic meter. 1 earth per(10 light years)³, 1 star per(10³ light years)³, 1 galaxy per(107 light years)³, 1 universe per(10¹º light years)³.
Dirac’s LN4 requires that a collection of traditional constants of nature, like N2 must be changing as the universe ages in time. N1≈N2 =√Nάt therefore e²/Gmprάt.
Dirac abandoned Newton’s gravitation constant G. He suggested that it decreased in direct proportion to the age of the universe over cosmic time scales Gά1/t. The three large numbers are a consequence of the great age of the universe; they all get larger as time goes on.

JBS Haldane Biologist
There was a moment when life of any sort first became possible and the higher forms of life may only have become possible at a later date. Similarly a change in the properties of matter may account for some of the peculiarities of the pre-Cambrian geology.
Light = c = 3 x 108 meters per second
Gravity = G = 0.67 x 10-¹¹m³kg-¹s-²
Electron = e = 10-²º amperes.

The constants of nature
Stoney” George Johnstone
Mass Mj= (e2/G) ½=10-7grams
Length Lj= (Ge2/c4)½10-37meters
Time Tj= (Ge2/c6)½=3 x 10-46seconds.

Universal constants “Planck”
Mass Mpi= (he/G) ½=5.56 x 10-5 grams
Length Lpi= (Gh/c3)½=4.13 x 10-33cm
Time tpi= (Gh/c5)½=1.38 x 10-43 seconds
Temp Tpi=K-1(he5/G) ½ 1032 Kelvin.

The total number of bits in a sphere of radius centimeters is 1066 x R2

Equilibrium can be expressed in terms of two pure numbers created from the constants,
ά= 2πe2/hc≈1/137, άG=Gmpr2/hc≈10-38, there are only 33 known perfect numbers known today; like 6,28,496,8128.

Radiation factors and humans
1 joules per K of material. Gy = gray (1Gy = 6.24 x 1012 MeV kg-1)
Gray = dose absorbed in rad 1 Gy = 102 rad
At 2.5 Gray to 3.0 Gray = 50% mortality rate in 30 days
-         α more damaging than γ radiation
-         α causes a double break in DNA, 2nd break occurs before the 1st can heal

Radiation weighting factors WR
1 for x-ray, γ rays, β particles and muons
5 for protons > 2 MeV
20 for α particles

Radiation weighting factors for neutrons
5 for < 10 KeV
10 for 10-100 KeV
20 for 100 KeV + 2 MeV
10 for 2 -20 MeV
5 for >20 MeV

Cosmic rays
0.25 MsV per year, at 4000m 2MsV per year, for air travel add 0.01 MsV per year.
Most significant - 40K potassium 0.2 % of body weight
-         40 Ar argon 0.17 MsV per year
-         γ radiation .02 MsV per year and 4MsV per year
-         uranium/thorium = isotopes 222Rn and 220Rm inert gas (inhaling)
-         decays and α emitters 1.0 MsV per year
-         fallout .4 MsV per year
-         natural 2.2 MsV per year
Cancer from doses of radiation 5 x 10-2 Sv-1 ,of the working population 4 x 10 -2 Sv-1,
Risk from natural 1 in 9000, from fallout 1 in 17,000

Environmental Connection
The human body contains about two hundred types of cells and carbon 16,000(g) 23% body mass, silicon 18(g) 0.026% body mass and zinc 2.3(g) 0.0033% body mass. What we see is an interaction of a process akin to resonance (an horizontal impales within the visual cortex) The level of atmospheric carbon-dioxide has risen from 0.0315 to 0.0360 between 1958 and 1993. It will reach 0.060 by 2050-2100. Oxygen to carbon order of magnitude is 3-1.Humans use over 100 times the energy required to support their metabolism. 100,000,000 humans are added to the planet population every year. (3 humans die to 6 born). 5.6 billion humans in 1994 by 2000 the world will hold 23 cities of more than 10 million inhabitants, 17 of them in developing countries. Remember we are all connected by 60 of separation!
Electromagnetic spins: Sir Lawrence Bragg, the right-handed corkscrew includes plants, humans, etc. The left-handed corkscrew – most chemical drugs, man made power, etc.
Many compounds have the same formulas, but can be poisonous depending on the orientation of the plane of polarization (their spin).
Electromagnetic pollution comes from microwaves towers and shortwave stations, TV’s, microwaves, toasters, lamps, etc. these energies produce abnormalities in pulse, blood pressure, muscle response. 60 cycles per second (alternating currents) cause depression, cancer, leukemia, psychosis. It produces changes in hormone patterns, body weight, and blood chemistry. It also produces signs of chronic stress.
Radiation factors and humans – 1 joules per k of material, Gy=gray (1 Gy = 6.24 x 1012 MeVkg-1) Gray = dose absorbed in rad 1Gy = 102rad. At 2.5 Gray to 3.0 GY have a 50% mortality rate in 30 days, ά are more damaging than γ radiation. The ά causes a double break in DNA, the 2nd break occurs before the 1st break can heal.
Radiation weighting factors WR. 1 for x-ray,γ rays, β particles and muons. 5 for protons > 2 MeV, 20 for ά particles. Radiation weighting factors for neutrons, 5 for < 10KeV, 10 for 10-100 KeV and 20 for 100KeV + 2 MeV, 10 for 2-20MeV and5 for >20MeV.
Cosmic rays are 0.25 MSv per year at 4000m 2MSv per year, if you count in air travel add 0.01MSv per year. The most significant 40K Potassium 0.290 of body weight, 40Ar Argon 0.17MSv per year, γ radiation .02MSv & 4MSv per year. Uranium/Thorium = isotopes 222Rn & 220Rm inert gas (inhaling).
Decays and ά emitters 1.0 MSv per year, Fallout .4 MSv per year, Natural 2.2MSv per year. Cancer from doses of radiation 5 x 10-2SV-1 of the working population 4 x 10-2Sv-1. The risk from natural is 1 in 9,000, from fallout 1 in 17,000.
Time - A person isolated from environmental cues, the human circadian system proceeds at a fairly  uniform speed that is longer than 24 hours. Our internal clock is slow by about a hour per day (mostly variations in light intensity). Entrainment is also a non-liner phenomenon known as free-running periods (humans 24 to 23 hours) with changes in light – also sensitive to temperatures, increased temperature slows the free-running periods (23 to 24.5 hours) which is also an emergent property of non-linear systems, the duality light-temperature. In most non-linear systems temporal evolution will stabilize, but with an infinite set of attractors.
Light – Labatory studies have shown, that intense blue light can modify the DNA at the heart of living cells and cause other chemical changes in vitamins, amino acids and proteins. The body produces “psoriases” and can be activated in the body by ultraviolet light to breakdown the DNA in the diseased cells. Psoriases can be found in fruit and vegetables, figs and limes. Aging is connected to the pineal and pituitary glands, both of which are effected by light. Indoor lighting increased aging in rats and decreased aging in hamsters. The human eye responds to electromagnetic radiation in the range of 360nm(violet) to 820nm(red) with peak sensitivity near 555nm. V(λ)1.000000.
Sound – Human’s hear 16Hz to 20,000Hz or 20KHz. Tolerable levels are 1.0 x 1012 decibel, pain at 120(dB), Deafen at 100(dB), Damage starts at 140(dB). The maximum safe levels for different exposure is 15 min at 100dBa, 2 min 109dBa, 28 seconds at 115dBa, 0.11seconds at 139dBa, 30min at 97dBa, 24 hours at 80 max level in dBa, 8 hours 85dBa, 4 hours 88dBa, 1 hour at 94dBa.
Gravity – Humans tolerate 15g gravity for a few minutes – when perpendicular, but only 6 g when in the direction of acceleration. Humans can take (1g) is 32” per second per second the speed of light.

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