Chapter 11
Bernard Pullman (1998) Vacuums as such are far from being empty it is actually continually filled with a host of virtual particles of all types, and even in a manner of speaking, of various degrees of virtually. From this perspective, vacuums can be regarded as “the state of minimum energy of all fields stripped of any particles of real matter; or space purged of all real particles.
Casimir effect – The force between two microseism conducting surfaces n a volume that only contains an electromagnetic field. Both the sign nd the magnitude of the Casimir effect depends critically on the geometry of the surface. Quantum physics tells us that electrons are surrounded by clouds of virtual particles and any of the photons can turn into electro-positron pairs or into other pairs of virtual particles. Extra energy is always being barrowed from the field and from the uncertainty relation, without any limits to the complexity of the loops of virtual photons and virtual electro-positron pairs being produced. When the rules of quantum physics are applied there is no limit to the energy involved, it becomes infinite. To cancel out the infinity on both sides of the mathematical equation involves dividing both sides by Infinity, which is a no-no, even then the predictions are not correct. In electromagnetic field theory there is in principle no limit to the range of the electric force that can be felt. Particles accelerators smash particles to manufacture showers of short-lived particles. These particles are made out of the kinetic energy of the calculations are in line with E=mc2 or m=/E/c2
The new particles are not pieces of the particles being smashed but genuinely new particles manufactured out of pure energy. The best achievable vacuum contains about 1000 billion atoms per cubic meter. It is theoretically possible to excite a vacuum. A collision can be engineered in which we pull a negative-energy electron out of the vacuum. A gamma ray knocks an electron out of negative energy state into one positive energy state. This would leave a hole in the vacuum. The hole is the absence of negative energy electrons. The hole has actual positive energy and would have the energy E=+mc2 where m is the exact electron mass 1.4 time the mass is known as the Chandrasekhar limit and marks the crossover from exclusion principle to gravity. Anti-matter will annihilate matter when the two collide producing a lot of energy in the form of other particles. The electron simply jumps back down into its hole. Positrons are naturally produced from radioactive disintegration of certain nuclei. (Positron emission tomography “pet” scans) Each electron charge has at least two vertices so they progress in powers of ά=e2/4πke=1/137.
A loop is when an anti-particle and a particle are spontaneously produced and are re-annihilated. They contain a looping flow of particles momentum and energy. When computing the loop sums for certain loops, we get infinite.
Yang and Mills – SU (2) the symmetry of the sphere in three real dimensions of space has three gauge fields, three photon like objects and the gauge fields them selves, with a charge unlike electrodynamics where the photon carries no electric charge. Electron mass .511 million electron volts MeV. Proton mass .938 billion electron volts. GeV. Tevatron is protons with 1 TeV (one trillion electron volts) .Quarks get released but the vacuum itself begins to rip apart at the vicinity of the collision. Pairs of quarks and anti-quarks and gluons are ripped from the vacuum itself by the ferocious energy of collision turbulent plasma of matter resembling the initial instant streak from the point of collision (a jet). Quarks can annihilate momentarily into gluon which quickly shred the vacuum. The cathode ray tube is a thermionic vacuum tube, CRT is a linear accelerator, and it liberates electrons from surrounding matter, and then uses magnetism to increase their speed. Since electrons have a negative charge they respond to an electromagnetic force and can be moved by electromagnets. Other electromagnets, grouped in a light assembly called a quardrupole, herd the electrons together into a tight steerable jet.
Vacuums are 10-8 to 10-10 Pa; pressure 10-10 Pa to 1010 Pa. In a vacuum of free space the gauge field of electromagnetism and the photon is mass less and travels at the speed of light. A fake vacuum is a material medium called a superconductor. This is a form of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The material is usually ultra cold, which causes the photon to become heavy with a mass of 1 electron volt eV. Superconductors have no electrical resistance to current flow. Rising to a new field called Higgs field. The strength of the Higgs field in a vacuum is 175 GeV which releases a particle called Higgs boson. A false vacuum state is equilibrium and is unstable, the transit between the states is the transfer of potential energy into motion which creates a tension on the state of matter and accelerates it. The simplest vacuum are by Schwinger, Feynman, Dyson, Tomonaga is in great contrast to the traditional meaning of “nothing.” It is a sea of particles and anti-particle continually appearing and disappearing, but too ephemeral to observe without violating Heisenberg’s principle. The virtual particle and anti-particle pairs produce tiny changes in the observed energy levels of atoms. Aristotle knew there was some thing extra to everything and called it “prima materia” something that is not actually matter but has the potential to be.
Vacuum polarization
Under these conditions, there is an obvious mechanism that allows a transition from virtuosity to reality; requires supplying enough energy to guarantee that particles will materialize estimating the energy amount required is straight forward. E=mc2 the mass of electrons 9.109 x10-31kg, is 0.511 MeV, while that of the proton 1.673 x 10-27kg is 938MeV. 1 MeV = electron – positron pair, 2GeV = proton – anti-proton pair, temperature E=KT, K = 8.67 x 10-5eV/K, 1 eV = 10,000K, 1 MeV + 1010K, 1 GeV + 1013 K. These effects are not the only ones to confirm the interdependence of properties of a vacuum and matter. Another proof is provided by the so-called “Casimir effect.”
Virtual Particles – Virtual means that even though these particles appear to be the same as normal atomic components, they are not connected to any atom and they wink in and out of existence in very short periods of time. By introducing a magnetic field into the area that is being measured, the energy will naturally travel in a curve, we know that magnetic fields are always rotating and interacting with quantum energies, these particles actually slightly bump back and forth as they move. These bumps follow the same rules that they apply to particles, protons, neutrons, electrons etc. Dr. Hal Pulhalf explains this bizarre behavior as the nature of aether or virtual particle flux; the particles are indeed emerging from the energy of the vacuum. Real electrons, protons, or neutrons are seen as a stable spherical, donut-shaped whirlpool. Virtual particle flux helps explain the peculiarities of the Casimir effect.
The Casimir force is a very real and very powerful effect that takes place in a vacuum. If that force is allowed to bond two smooth-surfaces together, the force is so strong that the surfaces can’t be taken apart again unless they are literally destroyed. This force is created when the distance between the surfaces become so narrow that no “virtual particles or aether energies are able to fit between them; (air pressure is 10 lbs per sq inch). The pressures of the aether is far greater, but yet undetectable.
Permanent magnets are durable and will continue emitting magnetism for well over 1000 years and will not show any sign of weakening, a source of perpetual energy. If you take a magnet and rotate it, the energy within the magnet will continue to spin inside even when the magnet is not moving anymore, (direct fluid motion). Also you can use a magnet and never lose any energy within the magnet. When we think of light, sound, and (spherical) geometry components of vibration you see the signatures of these vibrations in many different areas of study, including quantum physics, gravity, and astrophysics.
The magic combination of magnetism and rotation produce workable anti-gravity propulsion. High energy magnetism can be seen to glow from pink to blue and occur by ionization –photons.
John Thomas states that primary magnetism gathers the surrounding “aetheric” space fabric, at a certain stage equilibrium is reached, and energy is produced. When the density of the gathered magnetic force in an area of “empty space” reaches a required level matter will be produced in a spherical form “ ball lightning” and still elude explanation. The anti-gravitational effects and the inductive effects, “lightning draws energy from around itself,” glowing magnetism or balls of light. These phenomena can not be explained in conventional models. It is believed to be caused by two stokes of lightning collide. When they meet, and if polarized correctly, the energy can wrap around itself in a semi-harmonic pattern. If the strokes are highly polarized and have matching wave patterns, more than one ball will be created, “bead lightning.” The sphere is the natural balance point for magnetic/aetheric energy and is then visible as light. The sphere is the ultimate unification and balance point for any vibrations. In Einstein’s work with relativity where mass and energy were directly and mathematically interwoven with the speed of light, matter is nothing more than a highly-compressed form of light. Space and matter are fundamentally identical; they represent different interchangeable phases of a unified vibrating energy source.
There is no end to our contact with the floating matter of the air and in vacuums. In the air dust will be sure to have potash and sulphuric acid as well as germs (putrefaction). This is a major concern with assembly and containment. In the vacuum there will be virtual particles, and aether.
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