Monday, January 17, 2011


The point of creation, KǺΠİΣ- TOE
Energy for the brave new world of Space exploration
(E=mc2) (2cm=E) / π R2  

Theory and Design by C. Hughes.
Researched and Composed by D. Thomas.

KǺΠİΣ stands for Kinetic atoms, theories and theorems, ions and electrons. Not much of a name but the potential for clean energy with a very wide variety of possible uses. KǺΠİΣ is a “Quantum entangled temporal machine” or a “Quantum computer” (intelligent energy) the theories and theorems (unitified) applied to a mechanical machine; everything is relative to the operations of the system. Some of our analogies are very dangerous statements of similarities. The design comes from nature itself, tested, observed, and experimented upon.

Kepler's habit was to rummage through the observations of his predecessors, to look at them in all lights, and thus distil from them the principles which united them.
In writing and researching this report the following fields where investigated and quoted straight from the accepted science books and from research all ready done by the Greats in their fields. The non-liner design is based on the one shape that is universal. The Sphere!

It’s just one more step.

The theories and theorems researched.
I left no stone unturned that science (over 62 fields) and all the observed world has to offer, in support of the design and theory. From how the material is mined and where, to the molding the spheres, really matters on the quantum scale. The human elements are imbedded in all we do. The second part of this report will look at the problems and implications of a project of this size.

The Drake Equation

N=is the number of communicating civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
R* = is the rate of formations of suitable stars
fp = is the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = is the average number of suitable planets around a star
fl = is the fraction of those planets that develop life (dependant on how life originates)
fi = is the fraction of those planets with intelligent life
ft = is the fraction of such planets with a civilization that communicates
L = is the average life time of such a civilization

R* is the only one that can have a numerical value, the rest of the equation awaits further space explorations.

1. Matter

2. Materials
Carbon, Silicon, Titanium, Zinc

3. Atoms

4. Special theories

5. Spheres

6. Harmonics

7. Thermodynamics

8. Light

9. Gravity

10. Magnetics

11. Vacuums 

12.  Constants

13. Space time

14. Vital vs. virtual

Einstein - “Dreamed of riding on a beam of light.”

Einstein – “But the years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intense longing, their alterations of confidence and exhaustion, and the final emergence into the light. Only those who have experienced it can understand it.”

Einstein - “Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds”

The factors involved in movement are, direction, density, mass, shape, elasticity, heat, pressure, volume, time and the forces it is subjected to. Perpetual motion is the quantum mechanical model of the atom; it pictures electrons hopping back and forth from orbital level to another, absorbing and emitting photos constantly. A basic multi-level, perpetual machine, very similar to a resonator spherical cavity carrying information and energy in four dimensions of space and time.

The key to the scientific method is: All ideas must be tested by experiment or by observation of the natural world, but the observer and the mathematic only taint the results. A closed system removes both, the observer and the mathematics involved in a highly complex yet simple system.
The mathematics involved is to be based on about 60 known unpredictable variable, forces, and interactions. A scientific law is an attempt to describe, concisely one aspect of nature. Therefore, scientific laws are usually limited in their applicability, they may be modified or rejected based on new findings. All the science has been tested by experiment and observations many times and on these elements. Using light, harmonics, magnetic, gravity, geometry, and thermodynamics, under specific conditions to produce the energy in this system. Everything is connected by 6 degrees of separation. Everything in the universe starts with one atom at a time, in time (10 billion of a trillion of a second).

The way we use and abuse energy and waste materials (pollution and garbage) has to change for society to survive the next 50 years, we will have to look at the radical thinkers and science fiction a little closer (the cell phone). Hope and creativity must be encouraged and supported and not just for the young, wisdom has its merits as well, if we are to find a better way. Money and politics now are the only things that stand in the way of true progress and the abdominal need to go forth. This planet can no longer support our numbers. We are an intelligent species. The stars are there for all social levels of the human race to reach for, and have a purpose in the exploration there of, or we can face the eventual extinction of the human race by our own hand or by the mere accidental selection of the universe itself. (Copenhagen theory and the Maya calendar.) 

Art and Science

Art and science are usually contrasted as polar opposites. One subjective and explorative, and the other objective and inventive. Science is impressed by examples of organized (self organizing) complexity.
Art is an example of intricately organized complexity, which results in a concatenation of mental events of unfathomable complexity. Mathematics is but a highly regarded form of highly abstract art.
Music is the closest branch of art which has a close link to science and technology; because it possesses a similar spectral pattern to the many natural sound sequences of natural symmetries that convey important information of nature itself.
The importance for creative thinking of the domain, where art and science merge has been emphasized by the great philosophers-scientists of the 20th century, Bohr, Einstein and Poincare. For in their research the boundaries between disciplines are often dissolved and proceed neither deductively through logic nor inductively through the exclusive use of the empirical data, but by visual thinking and aesthetics.

KǺΠİΣ is an atom right down to the subatomic, a gyroscopic mechanical machine. A quantum entangled temporal machine, the shells are harmonically tunes for stability. The materials were picked for their structure and superconductivity properties. The analogies of the system are dangerous statements of similarities, but like the variables are infinite. If all matter has anti-matter then all forces have an anti-force.
C Weizmann (1874-1952) “It is surprising to note how many thinkers and scientists, some quite prominent, resort to the word “impossible,” the impossible just takes longer”.
Ionian Democritus 5th century BC. “Everything is composed of tiny particles called atoms from the Greek word of indivisible.”


Chapter 1
1. Matter

Structure of Matter
Modern physics has revealed successively deeper layers of structure in ordinary matter. Matter is composed, on a tiny scale, of particles called atoms. Atoms are in turn made up of minuscule nuclei surrounded by a cloud of particles called electrons. Nuclei are composed of particles called protons and neutrons, which are themselves made up of even smaller particles called quarks. Quarks are believed to be fundamental, meaning that they cannot be broken up into smaller particles.
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There are 4 states of solid matter 1. Amorphous – a solid that is not a crystal
2. crystalline – a solid with a regular polyhedral shape. 3. Quasi-crystalline – a solid structure in which there is a- long range incommensurate translational order b- long range orientation order with a group point.

 Diffraction patterns have Bragg peaks with a density in each plane being higher than would be expected for a perfect periodic crystal. 4 – Plasma is a positively charged particle.

Transition Metals – Ti (titan) and Zn (tin) both have high melting points, high density, and magnetic properties.

Non – Metals – C (Diamond) and Si (flint) - both form over 10,000 different bonds and have mystical properties.

Electromagnetic is what is used to separate minerals, the finer the grind, the better the separation. The more uniform the grind the better the melt. Due to different weights of the elements, water can be used to float off the light minerals. Harmonics are sometimes used to sort sizes for grinding.

Melting Electric uses low, long heat, gas uses high, fast heat to 3500 degrees at melting point venting off the oxygen as it goes. The Department of energy (DOE) state that carbon 14 falls under radiation regulatory guide line (5715 years) low level waste. The radioactive components of waste may emit alpha, beta and gamma and in some cases neutrons. Carbon cost (2002) $35/10g glassy, $55/10g fullerene, $40/g diamonds, $75/1.25g sheets (99.8%) 

Chemical affinity is the force of attraction of one chemical to another. Affinity reacts differently in hot or cold. Materials change form and identity sometimes lazily and sometimes explosively.

Osmosis is electrochemistry. Mass action ions in mass action, depends on the concentration of reactant and amounts of product, the current does not depend on product. Osmosis is the process when solutions of two different concentrations are separated by semi permeable membrane (solvent can flow but solute cannot). Skin cells are filled with salts, proteins and other material. When the pressure of the opposing forces only allows osmosis to go so far (equilibrium) is called osmotic pressure. Osmotic is an entropy effect. Proportionality between osmotic pressure and temperature is 1/270. The number of particles in solution would be greater if the solute dissociated into ions, when enhances conductivity. Conductivity is not a measure of affinity, nor is heat, but is a series of complex relationships. Spontaneous action happens with adding heat or given off heat in the reaction.

Phase diagrams can predict the composition of solids, but the materials age s the metal gradually changes. The mass of a myoglobin, a protein is 1,000 times that of water. Colloid means “glue like” and are aggregates of particles that are bigger than individual solute particles. The test of colloidal is a light beam shining through it – if the light beam is distinguishable it is colloid called Tyndall effect. Claude Bernard – anesthetics works because of a coagulation of a substance on a nerve cell. It is believed alcoholism, insanity and drug addictions are a result of colloidal proteins undergoing a phase transition on the nerve cells.

Organic material for non-liner optics

A - Nonlinear variations of refraction, (n, Snells’ law), absorption (k=1m{E}/2n), reflection, scattering, interference, diffraction, polarization, ellipse evolution, focusing, wave guiding etc.

B – Frequency conversion, propagating phase mismatch and coherent interferences.

C – Rectification
Nonlinear optical physicists require knowledge of materials and their processing in order to avoid describing unrealistic situations and to allow design and construction of feasible devices.

The general principles are two fold: 1st – materials will begin to oscillate coherently at harmonic, combination, and different tense. 2nd – intensity or dc field dependent terms arise in the wave equations.

When a light wave propagates through an optical medium, the oscillating electromagnetic field exerts a polarization force on all of the electrons comprising the medium. The inner electrons of the atoms are tightly bound to the nuclei, the major polarizing effect is exerted on the outer electrons. With ordinary light sources the radiation fields are much smaller than the field that binds the electrons to the atom, the radiation acts as a small perturbation. The polarization that is proportional to the electric field of the light wave, if the radiation field is comparable with the atomic field (~ 108 V/cm), then the relationship between the polarization and the radiation field is no longer a linear one. The light field needs to exhibit nonlinearity, obtainable with laser sources. Nonlinear optical effects that have been observed include harmonic generation, production of combination frequencies, optical rectification, and many others.

In an isotropic medium the general relation between the polarization P and the electric field E is expressible as a n expansion involving only the magnitudes since the direction of the polarization coincides with that of the field P=έo(xE + x(2)E2 +x3E3 + …)  x is the normal or linear susceptibility. It is generally much larger than the nonlinear coefficients. If the general relation between P and E is that a reversal of the direction of E merely results in the reversal of the direction of P, if P(E) is an odd function, then the even terms are all zero and there are no even harmonics. In the case of crystalline media P and E are not necessarily parallel. The expansion is where the linear polarization is PLoxE, the remainder is the nonlinear polarization. The amount of second harmonic light that is produced depends critically on the form of the X(2) tensor. In order for the tensor X(2) not to vanish, the crystal must not possess inversion symmetry. This is also one of the requirements for a crystal to be piezoelectric. Piezoelectric crystals are useful for second harmonic generation of light.

 The electromagnetic field of the fundamental wave has a space-time variation ei(K1z-wt) the second harmonic wave is ei(K2z-2wt). If k1=1/2k2 the intensity of the second harmonic light is proportional to the square of the (slab or shells) thickness, this is known as the “interaction length”  the length is only 10λo to 20λo for a typical crystal. It is possible to increase this by velocity matching, the efficiency for second harmonic generation of light can be improved by several orders of magnitude.


Plasma is an atom stripped of its electrons due to heat leaving a positively charged particle. Fast moving particles emit radiation and radiation exerts pressure. Plasmon is the collective excitation for quantized oscillations of electrons in a metal. The plasma frequency or Plasmon corresponds to the total oscillation of an electron gas resulting in localized charged densities. Given the conditions (div (E) =0 a global return force -qE affecting all the electrons responsible for the charge density is created such that if the wave λ  is the characteristic dimension of the charged density M  d2λ/dt2=∂ςq2λ, based on which λ=λocos(ωp+φ). These oscillations are called plasma oscillations. Elementary Plasmon possesses and energy of 14 eV. Causing metals will be opaque to wave lengths greater than λp =c/Vp  and transparent in the opposite case, dependant on the wave length. The dispersion for a monochromatic plane wave  k2=μoεω2  leads to an expression in which k is an  imaginary wavelength and assumes the form associated with the imaginary term appearing and can be characterized by the depth of penetration (skin depth) This is the distance by which the field inside the conductor is reduced by the ratio. The electromagnetic wave is thus localized in a layer of thickness; this is called the skin effect.

Carbon is found free in nature in three allotropic forms: amorphous, graphite, diamond. A forth form is known as white carbon. Graphite is the softest, diamond is the hardest. Graphite exists in two forms Alpha and Beta, both are identical in properties except for structure “crystal.” The beta form is 30% rhombohedra. The alpha form is synthetic and contains the hexagonal structure. White carbon forms at above -2550K as transparent bi-frigent crystals. Bucky balls or fullerenes consist of 60 or 70 carbon atoms linked together and can withstand great pressure and trap foreign atoms inside the network of carbon capable of magnetism and superconductivity and a potential as a non-linear optical material. Fullerenes can maintain superconductive at temperatures as high as 45 K and has 15 isotopes.
Carbon is unique among the elements in the vast number of compounds it can form. Close to ten million known forms exist.

A brittle form of carbon is known as glassy carbon. It has good thermal stability and structurally impermeable to both gas and liquids. It randomized structure makes it useful in ultra-high technology application.

Carbon atoms can spontaneously link themselves together into long molecular chains and form extremely complex molecules such as amino acids, proteins, DNA called Chemical evolution. Diamonds will phosphoresce when exposed to radium, polonium, or actinium. The stone has a unique relationship with energy. It amplifies the energy of whatever it comes in contact with. White light is the prefect balance of all colors. It is an ideal state in which all the components work together to produce energy in its purest state. Diamond refracts all colors without diluting of filtering them.

1 pound per square inch (1 psi) is a force you can feel, 14 of them make up air pressure at sea level. A Pascal = the force of a humming birds sneeze, 100,000=1psi. “To be a scientist is to think Gods’ thoughts after Him.” Johannes Kepler
Carbon atoms can bond instantly to any matter that comes close. This electrostatic promiscuity makes carbon central to the products, processes, and molecules that we call life. In nature carbon atoms can spontaneously link themselves into geodesic spheres. There exist other, linear, non-spherical type of fullerene, they form tiny hollow cylinders with outside diameters of only one nanometer. They exhibit properties that are contradictory to present understanding or laws of physics. Aligned in certain ways their atoms conduct electricity as effectively as copper. Aligned in a slightly different way they are semiconductors.
CN’s (carbon nano tubes) the range of properties open the door to computational devices measured in nanometers. At nano scales you don’t need a cascade of countless electrons to make a counting device, flop, or change states. A nano scale device will flag when a single electron is fed into it, or a single photon if you want nano computers, not running hot and slow, old fashion electricity, but running by cool, fast, efficient light. Carbon nano tubes have another striking property, structural efficiency, or strength per unit mass, but will explode in the presence of oxygen when hot.
A mirror is reflective because at the nano scale the metal coating configures its electrons as an electron gas. A modern microchip generates 10 watts of heat per square centimeters when operating.


The element silicon is one of the most abundant elements in Earth’s crust, second only to oxygen. Most rocks consist of silicon in combination with other elements.
Photo Researchers, Inc. /Charles D. Winters
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Silicon is a component of tektites, a natural glass of uncertain origin. Silicon contains 3 isotopes and 24 other radioactive isotopes are recognized. Silicon transmits more than 95% of all wavelengths of infrared from 1.3 to 6.7μm.

Silicon is important in plants and animal life. Silicon carbide has been used in lasers to produce coherent light of 4560 Ǻ. It has been thought that silicon might take the place of carbon in the number of compounds it can form. Silicon is commercially prepared by heating silica and carbon in an electric furnace, using carbon electrodes.

Amorphous silicon can be prepared as a brown powder, which can be easily melted or vaporized. Crystalline silicon has a metallic luster and a grayish color. Czochralski process is commonly used to produce single crystals used for solid state or semiconductor devices. Crystal Quartz silicon dioxide, Quartz can contain minerals “frozen” within, when cut properly can generate electromagnetic energy in response to applied pressure, it can store, release and regulate energy.


A combination of strength, low weight, and a high melting point make the element titanium a useful construction material. However, because titanium is difficult to work and more expensive than steel or aluminum, it is used far less than those two metals.
Photo Researchers, Inc. /Charles D. Winters
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Titanium is present in igneous rocks and in sediments derived from them. It is in minerals rutile, ilmenite and sphene and iron ores, in ash, in plants and in animals. In industry reduction of ores with carbon is not a useful option as intractable carbides are produced. Produced by reducing titanium tetrachloride with magnesium, and can be purified by decomposing theidide. Titanium is a white lustrous metal low density, good strength. It is ductile only when free of oxygen’s. It has 5 isotopes with masses of 46 to 50 and is stable. 18 other isotopes are known but are unstable. Titanium is as strong as steel but 45% lighter. When pure it is clear and has an extremely high index of refraction with an optical dispersion higher than diamond.


Zinc, pictured here as a bar and as a powder, is a metallic element. Many alloys contain zinc, and the element is often used in batteries and as a coating to protect other metals from corrosion.
Corbis/Lester V. Bergman
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Zinc can be produced by roasting its ores to form oxide and by reduction of the oxide with carbon, with subsequent distillation of the metal. Zinc contains 5 stable isotopes and 25 other unstable isotopes and isomers are recognized. Zinc is bluish white lustrous metal but is brittle at room temperature, it is a divalent metal and very malleable at 100o to 150o and a fair conductor of electricity.
Zinc also has unusual electrical thermal, optical, and solid state properties. Zinc liberates electrons by light emissions. The electrical conductivity is independent of the direction of the applied electric field. As a super conductor – once the current is up, it persists. Zinc is essential in the growth of human beings and animals.

The Crystal

Zosimus of Panopolis AD 300. “A stone which is not a stone, a precious thing which has no value, a thing of many shapes which has no shape, this unknown thing which is known of all.” The philosophers’ stone.

From antiquity to modern, we have only begun to rediscover the infinite uses of crystals. The crystal comes in many shapes and properties. As early as 5300 BC crystals were used for glasses, telescopes, holy fires, telegraphy, transmissions, astrology, weapons, light, medicine etc. Crystals are refractive, reflective, illuminating, and magnetic. The crystal has the ability to a line itself with natural electromagnetic fields and shifts of polar.

Bragg’s law – when a beam of light strikes a crystal surface in which the layers of atoms or ions are separated by a distance the maximum intensity of the reflected rays occurs when (sinΘ =nλ/2d) Θ is the complement of the angle of incidence and n is an integer. Bloch’s theorem – relates to the quantum mechanics of a crystal stating that the wave function for an electron in a periodic potential (Ψ(r) = exp (ik x r) u(r)) Ψ=wave function, Ψ(r) = periodic potential, k=wave vector, r = position vector, u(r)= periodic function that satisfies u(r+R)=u(r), R=Bravoes lattice of the crystal. (Meniscus)  has one concave face interior and one convex face exterior.
Collective excitations are a mode of oscillation in a many body system in which there is a cooperative motion of the whole system. Complex conjugate r cos Θ – 1r sin Θ Polar form of z* z+z* = 2x, zz* = x2 + y2 . Argent reflection of complex number about the real axis. Coriolis force simplifying the calculations of rotating systems (on the surface) such as the movement of air over the surface of a rotating objects. The torpid has major radius of R at a cross-section, self-induction in a circle ( A=πr2) L≈ μoN2A/2πR, N=turn if R>>r. Torque is the ability of a force to rotate a body about some axis is measured by a quantity called the torque. The torque is due to a force of F and has a magnitude. T=fd (d=distance).

Crystalline structures can collect, focus and emit electromagnetic energy. If a crystal is squeezed, it will release its own internal energy (the piezoelectric effect.) Chemically quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen (SiO2), known as the building blocks of minerals. Silicon dioxide is important in our bodies. The transfer of energy from the natural crystal to our bodies, silicon could be the key to healing.
Astrological forces interlink with gemstone-crystal energy, in their positioning and exposure to the planets, gemstones absorb and store particular resonances in a sense “tuning into” the energy of the universe. They also allow other influences to pass through them, amplifying or eliminating those powers according to how their interference patterns interact within the crystal structure. There are no two crystals alike.
The place and time of their forming and the energies present in the earth and in the cosmos affect their creation and give them particular qualities. Chemical impurities and atomic radiation imbue them with color and luster. Each will emit its unique musical “note.” They do not lose their power with age or use (natural ones). Man-made crystals are not as strong. They are made to quickly to become attuned and accurately absorb universal vibrations. Pressure, temperature, materials, environmental influences- pre and post, and time, these are the keys to our design and assembling the spheres.


Chapter 2


Isotopes of Carbon
Carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes: carbon-12 constitutes 98.89 percent of all carbon atoms and serves as the standard for the atomic mass scale; carbon-13 is the only magnetic isotope, which makes it very important for structural studies of compounds containing carbon. Carbon-14 is produced by cosmic ray bombardment of nitrogen. It is radioactive with a half-life of 5,760 years. The amount of carbon-14 remaining in historical artifacts can be used to estimate their age.
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Carbon is found free in nature in three allotropic forms: amorphous, graphite, diamond. A forth form is known as white carbon. Graphite is the softest; diamond is the hardest. Graphite exists in two forms, Alpha and Beta, both are identical in properties except for structure” crystal”  The beta form is 30% rhombohedra. The alpha form is synthetic and contains the hexagonal structure. White carbon forms at above -2550K as transparent bifrigent crystals. Entropy plays a major roll in the formation of C60 – which seems to stand the law of entropy on it’s head.
 Bucky balls or fullerenes consist of 60 or 70 carbon atoms linked together and can withstand great pressure and trap foreign atoms inside the network of carbon capable of magnetism and superconductivity and the potential as a non-liner optical material. Fullerenes can maintain superconductive at temperatures as high as 45K and has 15 isotopes. Carbon 14 falls under radiation regulatory guide lines (5715 years) low-level waste. The radioactive components of waste may emit alpha, beta, gamma and in some cases neutrons.
Carbon is unique among the elements in the vast number of compounds it can form. Close to ten million known forms exist. A brittle form of carbon is known as glassy carbon. It has good thermal stability and structurally impermeable to both gas and liquids. Its randomized structure makes it useful in ultra-high technology application. Carbon atoms can spontaneously link themselves together into long molecular chains and form extremely complex molecules such as amino-acids, proteins, DNA called Chemical evolution.
Diamonds will phosphoresce when exposed to radium, polonium, or actinium. The stone has a unique relationship with energy. It amplifies the energy of whatever it comes in contact with. White light is the perfect balance of all colors. It is an ideal state in which all the components work together to produce energy in its purest state. Diamond refracts all colors without diluting of filtering them.

Anthropic principle. It is a triple-alpha reaction in carbon. First combine two alpha particles to make a beryllium nucleus and then add a third alpha particle to form a carbon nucleus. Carbon has a state of energy just above the energies of beryllium and helium. Which causes a resonance (enhanced interaction rate) with the second step and is regarded as the first confirmed anthropic prediction? The anthropic arguments are post-hac, the anthropic principles does not predict exact values for the constants, only the order of magnitude between them. Carbon→life. Anthropic coincidences reflect the existence of the “beneficent being” (micro-organisms’) with specific intentions (proteins, DNA, etc.) Participatory anthropic principle is motivated by the fineness of the coincidences that allows life to exist in the cosmos. The quantized masses of different varieties of living material is 1 Pg = 10 15 gm (the mass of a large mountain) the size mass within living things are limited to relatively small dimensions and masses. Complexity exists in their motion not there structure. As a structure grows in volume the strength grows they break due to compression or bending moment stresses, when they exceed the strength of intermolecular bonds. The rate of heat generation grows in proportion to their volume but the ability to keep cool depends on surface area which grows. There are infinite number of possible structures stretching up volume – calibrated by capacity for storing information the diagonal, wither there is mathematical principles governing the existence and stability of complexity is an open question. They exhibit a number of characteristics like, self-organization, non-linear feedback, and local teleology, making them more than the sum of their parts. Knowledge of the ultimate laws of nature is of no help, because complex structures are the outcome of the laws of nature that do not posses the same symmetries as the laws themselves. The underlying symmetries are broken in the outcome. Biologists believe spontaneous evolution of organized complexity requires the presence of carbon atoms. Complexity has other atomic foundations only they require catalysis in the form of carbon-based complexity. Local properties of the universe like density, temperature, matter, anti-matter balance can vary from place to place and is possible for the constants of nature or the number of dimensions of space to be random variables, according to current theories of high energy physics. Attempts to develop a quantum cosmological model have uncovered the possibility that the constants of nature may predict the values but will they be affected by the quantum statistics of the space-time fabric of the universe. The necessary conditions for the evolution of organized complexity in the universe are dependent upon a large number of coincidences between the values of different constants. If the topological structure of the universe is a crenellated structure with a network of wormholes (10 -33 connecting it to itself and to other extended regions of space-time. The values of the observed constants of nature on each of the large regions of space-time may be determined quantum statistically by the network of wormholes connections. Even if those constants had their values determined initially by the unique “theory of everything” those values would be shifted so that the observed values given by a calculable quantum probability distribution would differ. The anthropic principles are not interested in the most probable value of a constant but in the conditional probability of the constant taking a value that subsequently permits living observers to evolve. This may be very different to the unconditional “most probable” value. The anthropic cosmological principle, the weak form, the observed values of all physical and cosmological quantities are not equally probable, but take on values restricted by requirements that there exist sites of carbon-based life has evolved and the requirement that the universe be old enough to have already done so. The strong form, the universe must have those properties which allow life to develop within it at some stage in its history. The final strong anthropic principle is intelligent information-processing must come into existence in the universe and once it comes into existence, it will never die out.
Tetrahedral Carbon
Three dimensional structures of organic compounds have optical activity. A molecule in which 4 different atoms or groups of atoms are connected to a carbon atom can exist in 2 different forms that are mirror images of one another, called 2 different configurations of the molecule, when ever this occurs there will be optical activity. This means when polarized light passes through them the plane of polarization is rotated. Optical activity thus arises when a carbon atom is attached to 4 different groups, referred to as an asymmetric carbon atom. One form of the molecule will rotate the plane of polarization in one direction, while the mirror-image form will rotate it in the opposite direction. e=2.71828  Ǻ=1 ten-billionth of a meter.
The average temperature of radiation 2.736 K (helium only exists near radioactive substances which produce it as it disintegrates. Helium has low density and floats away and is highly inert, it forms  no compounds).
The fission processes, 1μ = 931.5MeV, μ = the atomic mass unit, C12 (carbon -12) of the carbon atom is 12μ. 1 atom mass unit corresponds to an energy of 931.5 million electron volts (MeV) a decrease in mass of 0.0053μ will produce 4.9 MeV of energy or 0.0292 μ = 27.20 MeV.

Johannes Kepler “To be a scientist is to think God’s thoughts after Him.”
Carbon atoms can bond instantly to any matter that comes close. This electrostatic promiscuity makes carbon central to the products, processes, and molecules that we call life. In nature carbon atoms can spontaneously link themselves into geodesic spheres. There exist other, linear, non-spherical types of fullerene; they form tiny hollow cylinders with outside diameters of only one nanometer. They exhibit properties that are contradictory to present understanding or laws of physics. Aligned in certain ways their atoms conduct electricity dc effectively as copper. Aligned in a slightly different way they are semiconductors. CN’s (carbon nanotubes) the range of properties open the door to computational devices measured in nanometers. At nonoscales you don’t need a cascade of countless electrons to make a counting device flop or change states. A nanoscale device will flop when a single electron is fed into it. Or a single photon  if you want nano computers, not run hot but slow as with old fashion electricity, but by cool, fast, efficient light. Carbon nanotubes have another striking property, structural efficiency, or strength per unit mass, but will explode in the presence of oxygen when hot. A mirror is reflective because at the nanoscale the metal coating configures it’s electrons as on electron gas. A modern microchip generates 10 watts of heat per square centimeter when operating.

Ben Bova (1988) “life is, chemically speaking, a molecule that can reproduce itself out of simpler building materials. That is the difference between living creatures and non-living things.”

Chapter 3

3. Atoms

Models of the Atom
Experimental data has been the impetus behind the creation and dismissal of physical models of the atom. Rutherford's model, in which electrons move around a tightly packed, positively charged nucleus, successfully explained the results of scattering experiments, but was unable to explain discrete atomic emission—that is, why atoms emit only certain wavelengths of light. Bohr began with Rutherford’s model, but then postulated further that electrons can only move in certain quantized orbits; this model was able to explain certain qualities of discrete emission for hydrogen, but failed completely for other elements. Schrödinger’s model, in which electrons are described not by the paths they take but by the regions where they are most likely to be found, can explain certain qualities of emission spectra for all elements; however, further refinements of the model, made throughout the 20th century, have been needed to explain all observable spectral phenomenon.
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Our present corpuscular view of the universe is based on 12 elementary particles making ordinary matter and 12 elementary particles transmitting force for a total of 24. This number jumps to 36 if one takes into account that each quark “exists” with 3 different color properties and to 60 when on includes antiparticles. Every molecule in some sense knows from one moment to the next, where it has to go, and what it has to do and operates with a precision that chemists envy. All atoms have 1 electron of Hydrogen 20 min ½ life. Free atoms traveling at high speed in a circular motion will have the tendency to go to the center and bond. Anything which is accelerated must experience itself to be embedded in a hot gas of protons T=a( ħ/2πc) T= temperature, a= acceleration, ħ Planck constant, c= speed of light. The ratio of the electron and proton masses β ≈ 1/1836 and the fine structure constant α =1/137.

Heisenberg states that if we wish to determine as accurately as possible the motion of an electron, including its position and momentum, in an atom – the use of a microscope (gamma-ray photons) the atoms position and momentum is going to be perturbed by the impact with the photon via a phenomenon known as the Compton Effect. The more you increase the frequency of the radiation the more aggressive the photons become the greater the perturbation, caused by the experiment itself on the “canonically conjugate” variable of momentum and vice versa,
 Δq Δp≥h/2π.  

Compton effect
h(v1-v2) h= Planck constant v= frequencies before and after collision v1>v2 radiation increases after collision. Instantaneous angular speed w=Iim/Δt→0 Δө/Δt It is defined as the limit of the average speed Δө/Δt as the time internal Δt approaches zero. Protons mean life 1.6 x 1025 years, the atomic mass unit, ½ the mass of a neutral atom. 12C 1amu = 931.49432±0.00028 MeV/c2

 Light Nuclei
Binding energy 92.16 MeV
Binding energy of last nucleon 16 MeV
Binding energy per nucleon 7.7 MeV
Spin and parity 0+
Even-even nuclei have angular momentum zero.
Nuclear magnetic resonance ђw=‌ ‌|μ| β/j
Transitions between levels may be induced by radio frequency, oscillating electromagnetic field of angular frequency where mean lives are dominated by the tunneling factor and is in turns depends principally on the value of kinetic energy released in nuclear reactions. In multiple scattering of charged particles the angles of deflection in a single collision agrees with Rutherford scattering formula for large-angles. If deflections occur randomly the vectors must be treated as a random walk. Multiple scattering increases rapidly with the atomic number of the material. The effects of multiple scattering become more evident for electrons and positrons because of their longer path length and the concept of linear range is not applicable to these particles. Thomson scattering states that the energy lost by the radiation as a results of the radiation emitted by the charged particles when they are accelerated in the transverse electric field of the radiation.

Tachyons travel faster than light. A tachyon requires 3 dimensions of time and 1 dimension of space. Humans require 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time. According to electromagnetic theory the charged particles traveling faster than the speed of light would emit Cerenkov radiation, even in a vacuum. The theory of relativity says it is impossible to accelerate a particle up to the speed of light because its energy would have to become infinite. The theory, however, does not forbid the existence of particles with imaginary energy.

Violation is when a particle and antiparticle meet, then annihilate each other and then disappear in a puff of gamma rays. In order to create matter it involves concentrating twice the required energy and making an exactly equal amount of antimatter at the same time plus 1 extra of matter. CP violations provide a subtle link between inner space and outer space. Time is considered a two Way Street; any particle violating CP always flips over in time. The link between space and time and Einstein’s relativity reveal a violation of CPT and could create a bias in favor of a particular direction in space as well as in time. This would truly skew the universe in a topographical manner. Slight differences would arise from alignment or misalignment with the favored direction of space. In extremely low temperatures and the pressure of space the ultra violet radiation breaks chemical bonds.

 When atoms are locked in ice this bond breaking process recombines into unusually complex structures. Light missing at certain wavelength corresponds to particular chemical bonds with the capacity to absorb light. A product of carbon rich environment is guenons and has the electron transport ability and essentially converts light into chemical energy, coupled with the ability to absorb ultra violet radiation. Guinones stabilize unpaired electrons, an ability living cells need for various energy transfer activities.

Accelerated Reactor Energy
Requirements – Physics, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology and several engineering fields. Gamma rays have an energy of 1MeV. Emitting S particles per second and the source strength of the flow through each unit of a sphere. If there is no intervening material strength is then θ=s/4πR2 at 1 mw (1w gives 3.3 x 1010 fission per second) the number of neutrons per fusion is 2.42 the reactor produces 8.0 x 1016 neutrons per second. If 20% escape as fast neutrons S is 1.6 x 1016 S-1. Apply the inverse square relation (only in a space craft) limiting fast flux is 0.085 cm-2 –S-1. Since charged particles – electrons, alpha particles, protons etc have a short range in matter. Attention need only be given to penetrating radiation gamma rays or x-rays and neutrons. Exposure down to 5mrems/y the value of r is around 15cm (lead, concrete and aluminum) When more than 1 radio isotopes are present, allowed concentrations must be limited.
Disease is ubiquitous, even the creation and evolution of artificial life have their silicon beings attacked by viruses that multiply and spread. Chemically produced elements do not have the same polarity as natural substances. The interaction between life and its wider environment is full of unsuspected connections between the inner space of biological functions and an outer space teaming with visitors. The consequences of this patchwork are a vivid picture about how and where diseases originate. Astronomers have known that there is a dark side to the universe.
This dominant dark matter is a cosmic sea of weakly interacting massive particles (wimps). A kin to the ghostly neutrinos. (millions pass through us per minute), but they are a billion times heavier. They are distributed in our galaxy at 1 to every cubic cm. Each wimp has a mass of about that of a small atom and moves at speeds of 250 km per second.
These particles impinge upon earth with a significant flux and produce a steadily accumulating spectrum of genetic damage and enhanced carcinogenic mutations.
Many forms are novel because of the type of interaction the wimps undergoes when it recoils from the atomic nucleus of biological atoms in a DNA chain. One interaction is the intrinsic handedness of their spin on biological molecules directly i.e. (thalidomide – the presence of wrong handed version of a harmless molecule in a sedative drug). A build up of interactions within the earth itself opens our species to attack from within as well as without.

 Direct mutations caused by incoming wimps may be less important than the more debilitating effect of high energy particles emerging from the earth. The evidence of global warming reveals that the subsurface mutation rate is reaching levels when long established surface life forms are in danger.
The subterranean heating by wimps, encounters with ordinary atoms triggers increased volcanism and plate tectonic activity. This allows huge numbers of complex self-reproducing molecules to come to the surface on land and sea.
Increased incidence of genetically complicated disease, like AIDS are rife along quake fault lines, 2/3 of the earths is oceans. Small invasive viral forms will enter the ecosystem and the food chain through marine life-forms and will gradually produce lethal variations and disease that will pass into human societies “via fish.” Shell fish such as oysters process vast number of potentially cartanogenic molecules. The danger is more acute, since they are worn next to the skin in large numbers (pearls, shells). Worse still the adverse effect snowballs. AIDS is constantly being rejuvenated in subtly different strains over the whole planet. One should avoid living within 2 hundred miles of a fault line and avoid that of the sea.

Regulation, regeneration, and reproduction shows that something with an inherent wholeness acts “on” the living system, but not the material “part” of it. Entelechy as purposive to teleological directing physical process under its influence, towards an end or goal contained within itself. Entelechy guides morphogenesis. The genes or chemical substances to be ordered, but the ordering itself is due to entelechy. Even when normal patterns are disturbed, the same goals can be reached. In a different way it can regulate or regenerate. Organisms are regarded as “throw away survival machines” there is nothing mechanistic about genes. They have the power to create form, to mold matter, to choose to engage in an evolutionary race and aspire immortality in a system. DNA molecules can not be selfish, intelligent or mold matter or think, but have been endowed with the properties of life and mind and have become like miniaturized entelechies that are complex spatiotemporal patterns of phyico-chemical activity. It is a necessary condition that in addition to the phenomenon itself there exists a second thing, the program, whose structure is isomorphic with (i.e.) brought into one to one correspondence with the phenomenon. The duality of form and matter is in fact inherent in all traditional philosophies of form. In modern context it is conceived of in terms of duality of matter and information. Mechanists assert there is no difference in kind only in degree between the realm of biology, chemistry, and physics. Organicist agree, but regard physical and chemical systems such as atoms molecules and crystals is in some sense living not mere inanimate material objects but structures of activity.

Super symmetry (matter and force are the same aspects of the something.) Symmetry controls physics in a profound way. The symmetry between positive and negative energy. The possibility of mirror-matter hinges on nature respecting the symmetry between left and right (the energy in-between, both but neither.) Nature seems to like perfect symmetry in principle, but imperfect symmetry in practice called broken symmetry. WIMP’S – cold dark matter MACHO’s – hot light matter. Quantum fluctuations are caused by measuring instruments. The statistical scatter in data from long run of experiments obeys the laws. (ΔQ)x(ΔP)≥h, Q= position, P=momentum, ΔQ = Statistical spread in Q, ΔP=statistical spread in P. The indeterminacy in Q and P is always greater than h=Planck. P will show a large statistical statement of δP and Q. (δQ)x (ΔP) ≥h, (δP) x(ΔQ) ≥h

There is an inherent symmetry in the human body and any aspiration that disturbs that symmetry is not good medicine.

Strange Attractor
A strange attractor is a phase-space graph that charts the trajectory of a system in chaotic motion. A system in chaotic motion is completely unpredictable—given the configuration of the system at any one point in time, it is impossible to predict with certainty how it will end up at a later point in time. However, the motion of the chaotic system is not completely random, as evidenced by the general pattern of the trajectory in this image.
Photo Researchers, Inc./Scott Camazine
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Chaos Theory
Some scientists have felt that broader questions relating to everyday problems and systems have been bypassed and left unanswered. Many of these are undoubtedly complex and lacking in any kind of order. They involve non-linear equations that are notoriously difficult to solve. The availability of fast computers for repeating thousands of calculations and the existence of a new type of geometry called topology, an increase in non-linear systems where disorder and unpredictability “chaos” are common characteristics. Using the chaologists’ approach computer modeling. How close the prediction is to reality, depends on how good a likeness the model is to the actual system. The output is commonly in the form of computer graphics that are infinitely complicated colorful shapes which appear to repeat themselves on a smaller scale know as “self-similarity” or factional shape geometry. One feature of chaotic systems revealed by this approach is that many changing systems are shown to be greatly affected by their initial state. Even if the states are very similar to start with, they rapidly diverge. This is called the “butterfly effect” or sensitivity to initial conditions. Chaos attempts to bridge the gap between knowing what one item will do and what millions will do. Not all electrical circuits behave predictably and “chaos” helps to understand their unusual behavior. Most events that use the “chaos” method are usually non-linear dynamical systems. This is delta 4.669201 and keeps coming up in chaos. Chaos is not random; it is apparently random resulting from precise rules. Chaos is a cryptic form of order.

The Copernican Principle
The Copernican principle is used to predict the likely future longevity of the human race. The idea that your location is not special, is one of the most famous and successful scientific hypotheses of all time. Assuming nothing is special about the location, when you observe something, there is a 95% change that you are seeing it during the middle 95% of it’s period of observables. If you are at the earliest point of the middle 95%. You are just 2.5% from the beginning or 2.5% from the end. 1/40 or 1/39 making the future only 1/39th as long as the past. Humans have been around for 200,000 years (5,100) years are 1/39 of 200,000. A brief window of opportunity during which we will have a chance to colonize away from earth. High technologies however, also pose substantial risks, such as biological warfare or missile-borne nuclear weapons. If we remain on earth, we will also be exposed to many of the same risks that other species face, including major epidemics, climatologically and ecological disaster, asteroid strikes. If we do not succeed in colonizing space during this period, we will be stranded on earth. Since time is short, we should concentrate on establishing a colony in space as soon as possible. The Copernican principle tells us the total number of human space flights was likely to be less than between 10 months and 1,250 years. Where are we now?

The Maya Prophecy
The Maya prophecy predicts the events of a comet coming towards us. Dr. Ronald Bonewitz – geologist, found direct evidence in support of the Maya prophecy. The world goes through a series of cycles, each one called a “sun” at the end of each sun the world experiences a cataclysm. There have been 4 suns. We are now in the period of the 5th sun, due to end in 2012. It appears that the Maya prophecy has passed down knowledge of the 5,000 year return of a long-period comet. Archeological and geophysical evidence supporting this event has been recorded. The Maya calendar has been found to be out by 1 day in 6,000 years.

Sarah Lorner – Physics Maine College. The whole of Einstein’s life’s work was to show that what we perceive as hard matter is mostly empty space with a pattern of energy running through it. What quantum physics has shown that when we look at these patterns of energy at smaller and smaller levels, startling result can be seen. The basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way tat defies our old mechanistic model of the universe. Our expectation itself causes our energy to affect other energy system. Sarah Lorner field investigation done at Vicente Lodge, Peru 1990’s. The third insight of the Maya prophecy predicted, humans would discover a new energy which formed the basis of and radiated from all things. The third insight of the Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield 1993.

Special Theories

Chapter 4
Special theories

Fields are non-material regions of influence. Electro-magnetic fields are integral to the organization of all material systems from atom to galaxies; they underlie the functioning of our brains and bodies. Seeing is the vibratory energy of light. Hearing is the vibratory energy of electro-magnetic waves at a higher energy. Fields have a continuous, holistic quality, unlike material objects they can not be chopped up. Quantum fields are electron fields, neutron fields, microscopic fields within which all particles of matter exist as quanta vibratory energy. Morphogenetic fields are a condition to which living systems owes its typical organization and its specific activities. Each species of organism has its own morphogenetic field and within each organism, there are subsidiary fields within the overall field of an organism. Individuation fields are associated with formation of characteristic individual shapes called chreode or developmental pathways. Morphogenetic fields and of chreodes within them are different from entelechies in that the field concept implies. The existence of profound analogies between organizing principles of biological realm and the known fields of physics. Morphic resonance takes place on the basis of similarity. Morphic resonance differs from the kinds of resonance already known to science, such as acoustic resonance, electro-magnetic resonance, electro-spin resonance, and nuclear-magnetic resonance. Unlike these kinds of resonance, morphic resonance does not involve a transfer of energy from one system to another but rather a non-energetic transfer of information, it does resemble fields of resonance that takes place on the basis of rhythmic patterns of activity. Morphic resonance involves a kind of action at a distance in both space and time and the influence does not decline with distance in space or in time. The coming into being of form does not take place in a vacuum. All processes of development start from systems that are already organized. Fields are state of space or a vacuum but the vacuum is not empty nor is space, they are full of energy, and itself undergoes quantum fluctuation that create new quanta “from nothing” which annihilated again. A particle and anti particle can spring into “virtual existence” at a point in space and then immediately annihilate each other. Over all differences between different species is only 1.1%. Toxic chemicals, x-rays, heat and various non-specific stimuli can disturb the natural energy tuning of the structure. Without abandon the physical sphere, there might be some strange powers out of subatomic particles. The super massively parallel computer. Present day physics is all computable revolutionize physics, incorporating an explicitly non computable theory of quantum gravity. Gravity is not in space and time it is space-time. It has a structure which actively shapes and includes everything in the physical universe. Physics has stated that a perpetual machine is not possible yet the universe is a perpetual machine. The hypothesis of formative causation is the nature of things depends on fields. When any particular organized system ceases to exist as when an atom splits. Morphic fields do not disappear, they are potential organizing patterns of influence and can appear again physically in other times and places when ever physical conditions are appropriate. They contain a “memory” of their pervious physical existences. The process by which the past becomes the present within a morphic field is called morphic resonance which involves the transmission of formative causal influences through both space and time. The memory within a morphic field is cumulative as in the case of atoms, molecules and crystals, the nature of these become effectively changeless or seemingly eternal. Terrestrial evolution is the province of geology, biology, psychology, and social sciences. The celestial realm is the province of physics, as are energy fields and fundamental particles of matter.

Kant (1783) “Instead of finding the laws of physics in nature, our intellect imposes on nature its own laws, indeed organizes it according to a prior categories of human reasoning. Things as they are are beyond the sphere of possible experience.”
Without passion for understanding there would be neither mathematics nor natural science. The passion for understanding has led to the illusion that man is able to comprehend the objective world rationally, by pure thought without empirical foundations, in short, by metaphysics.”
Due to the complicated nature of Kattie, the action-reactions, cause-effect, interreactions, the only zero point will be at the very start. The information dealing with Kattie potentials are all listed under separate headings and cross reference themselves. The mathematical calculations will be almost “impossible” to do. A series of events, in genuine randomness, comes with each successive event. In the stochastic process no amount of information suffices to predict subsequent events with certainty. A tiny initial perturbation in velocity will result in large deviations later called deterministic chaos.
The mathematical property of reflections is left and right and are the same or differ, and form pairs of mirror images called the square of the reflection. Parity symmetry violations occur throughout weak interactions and are not invariant under the parity operation. Weak interactions also violate time reversal invariance. Anti matter is intimately related to the symmetries of parity and time reversal of space and time. An anti particle is a particle moving “backwards in time.” The ground state of motion is called zero-point motion and occurs in all quantum systems. The electron is still moving but at the lowest energy state. Absolute zero means a temperature at which everything is in a ground state, not at zero motion. Quantum mechanics forces things, even in the ground state to remain in perpetual motion. Nature is a perpetual motion machine.

A Grand unitifed theory must encompasses all the fields of science including, social science, philosophy, religion. We stand on the shoulders of the greats from Pythagoras theories onwards. (The theory is not in a formula, it is in a number 1.013643265. The comma of Pythagoras is built into every conceivable condition, the roots in the fundamentals of mathematics) for every 20 torr of magnetic straight = 1.01 gravity. For every 1.01 watt of light = 20 torr, 1.01 is the difference in a pure note in harmonics
A period of a pendulum – t= 2π√1/g; graphite 10, carbon 12, quartz 15.5, diamond 24.

The grand unified theory of a singularity! The grand unified theory is not in a formula, it is in a number 1.013643265. The comma of Pythagoras is built into every conceivable condition, the roots in the very fundamentals of mathematics.

Einstein’s advise must always be kept in mind; a theory should be as simple as possible, but not simpler. The important aspects are: A spatial and temporal structure is present in the very special locations. This structure imposes a cycle of multiplication of simple strands, variation and sections of energy-rich building blocks are available. With this in mind there are no difficulties from the point of view of thermodynamics to rationalize the self organization of matter.
The axioms of geometry are conventions using words like “straight-line,” which are useful in describing visual impressions. They are not statements on the nature of the physical space. The general laws of physics as expressed by Einstein are free inventions of the human mind, which are selected on the basis of their usefulness. (Everything is connected by 6 degrees of separation). There are 10 factors involved in understanding motion; direction, density, mass, shape, elasticity, heat, pressure, volume, time and the forces it is subjected to. Einstein’s theory claims that all matter and energy are interchangeable.
The key to the scientific method is; all ideas must be tested by experiment or by observation of the natural world, but the observer and the mathematical laws only taint and restrict the results.
We just took the all ‘Constance’s and laws” to infinite variables, and from quantum to cosmology applied, to create a stable system, capable of space.
Einstein’s formula E= mc2 is utilized in the following deterministic formula: sound-mass → gravity-light→matter-energy→ atoms-particles→ curvature of space-time= singularity.
(E=mc2) (2cm=E) /πr2=±∞

Due to corresponding forces of gravity so strong that nothing, not even light is able to escape. This is called a singularity, time just ceases to function, and mathematics and physics as we know them no longer apply.
Hawking – mini black holes.
Mass 1012kg
Temp 1011k
Radius 10-15m
Radiate 6 x 109w

Einstein Boosts
L1=y x(L-vT), T1=y (T-v L/c2)
Einstein’s boost is called gamma or Lorentz factor and are symmetry transformations of time and space intervals between different observers. Y=the gamma, make the intervals between 2 events invariant. It guarantees that light is always seen to spread out spherically at the speed of light, no matter the velocity. We see time is no longer absolute. Time and space are commingled when we move relative to one another and time ceases to be absolute. Only when the speed of light is infinite. Einstein’s’ boosts also predicts T1 = T and we recover the absoluteness of time. If a mass is compressed down within a radius R=2GN M/c2 the where Gn is the gravitational constant. The object has become a black hole R is called Schwarechid radius of a black hole.


Chapter 5

Armillary Sphere
An armillary sphere was an ancient astronomical instrument. It was a spherical model of the universe and consisted of a number of graduated brass rings representing the chief celestial circles, such as the meridian, equator, and the tropics. Armillary spheres were probably invented about 255 bc and were used until the 17th century.
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 (GP-B's gyroscopes are the roundest objects ever made. Engineers at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center polished them to within 0.01 microns (less than 40 atom-widths) of perfect sphericity.)
= one concave face interior
= one convex face exterior.
Collective excilations area mode of oscillation in a many body system in which there is a cooperative motion of the whole system.

Complex conjugate
R cos θ – ir sin Θ         Polar form of z*
Z+z* = 2x, zz* = xz + yz
Argand reflection of complex numbers about the real axis.

Coriolis force is a simplified calculation of rotating systems (surface) such as the movement of air over the surface of a rotating object.
The toroid has a major radius of R at a cross-section, self-induction in a circle (A=πr2) L≈μ0N2A/2πR, N= turns if R>>r.

Torque is the ability of a force to rotate a body about some axis, and is measured by a quantity called the toque T. The torque due to a force of F has the magnitude T=Fd, d=distance.

Alexander Waugh(1999) “ We see in every direction, wheels, cycles revolving cogs in a mechanical clock, the spheres of the earth and the moon, all the planets revolving around the sun, eclipses, spheres endlessly returning in unchanging circles, the hands of a clock going around. The universe is a geometrically four-dimensional sphere.”
The first polyhedron is the one that has one face and yet an infinite number of faces. The sphere! The presence of the sphere, in droplets and bubbles, fruit seeds etc. the shape arises any where growth begins from a point and has no reason not to push outward from that point evenly in all directions. The image of the sphere has been used through the ages to depict physical, biological, and philosophical phenomena. Spherical shells that the surfaces curved in two directions (Laplace’s law) that double curvature give great strength and stiffness for an investment of material. Maximization of internal volume for a given surface compounds the material economy – for that nothing beats a sphere. They are resistant to uniform transmutably pressure differences. A charged metal sphere, Let e be its charge and a radius the surface density w. w=e/4πa3 the potential of this rotational field is φa=e/r+k on the sphere it has the constant value φa=e/a+k. In order to obtain an electrostatic field that is physically possible, we must assign a terminus or sink for the flux of force issuing from the charged sphere. The second concentric hallow sphere of internal radius encloses the first and is charged with negative electricity. Since the charge –e is distributed uniformly over the sphere the surface density has  the value w=e/4πb 2 and the  potential is φb=e/b+k. This is called a spherical capacitor. The quotient of the positive charge e by the “voltage” or potential difference  φ a – φ b =v  between the positively and negatively charged conductors is call the capacitance of the capacitor. For the spherical capacitor we have: v=φ a –φb=e(1/a – 1/b)=e b-a/ab and its capacitance is c= e/φab = ab/b-a, by diminishing the distance between the two spheres very large capacitance can be obtained. In the MKSA system the voltage of a spherical capacitor is v=φab=e/4πεo(1/a – 1/b) = e(b-a)/4πεoab, and the capacitance is c=4πεoab/b-a. Parallel – plate capacitor = distance between spheres of uniform fields. E = φ12/d, d=b-a, s=4πab the surface density w of electricity is w=φ1-o2/4πd the separation at plates(spheres) is d and the area is s, c=sw/φ12  = s/4πd.

Ellipsoid of revolution
The equipotent surface of the rotational field is co focal ellipsoids of revolution. The strength of the source-line of length 2c we set = e the potential produced is φ=
 e/2c ∫te-e dξ/r in which ξ is the distance of the point of integration from mid-point of the source-line and r is the distance of the field point from the source (point) at mid-point we have r=√[(z-ξ)2 + x 2 + y 2] and we find φ = -e/2c {1n(z-ξ+r)}ξ=+eξ=-e = e/2c 1n z+c+r1/z-c+r2 where r1 and r2 are the distances of the field point from the end points designated ξ =-c and ξ =+c of the source line. The elliptical coordinates u and v in the zh-plane. U=1/2(r1+r2). V=1/2 (r1+ r2) the elementary geometry and the equation of the ellipse z2/a2 + h2/b2 = 1 the ere ads = 2πh√(dz2+dh2) = 2πb dz√[1-(cz/a2)2] the surface charge density is w=e/ 4πab√[1-(cz/az)2] the density has its smallest value Wm=e/4πab on the equator of the ellipsoid (where z=0) and the greatest value Wmax=e/4πb2 at the poles (z=±a) the field strength E=4πw  On the surface of a charged metallic body increases with increasing curvature (sharp-point effect). The image force e2/4a2 the potential energy is =-c2/4c2 directed toward the metallic surface. If the surface density is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance from the point charge the polar coordinates (p,Ψ)  in the plane the total charge is ∫wds = ea/2π ∫oo pdpdΨ/)p2+a2)3/2 = ea[1/√(p2+a2)]p=∞p=o=-e. Dielectric sphere in a uniform field in a vacuum ε1=ε, ε 2  =1, the interior field is reduced by a factor of 3/(ε+2), compared to “in air.” In the space outside the sphere the field acts like that of a dipole of moment p=Eo k =Eo a3 ε-1/ε-2. The polarization  p(moment per unit volume) has a value p=Eo x 3/4π ε-1/ε+2 = Ei x ε-1/4π  and the internal field  E i  produces this polarization is E: =Eo - 4π/3 p  and the conducting sphere behaves like an insulator of infinitely great permittivity. Spherical moment of inertia m 2/5 r2 radius any diameter, m 2r2/5 equatorial radius (polar axis), m 2/3 r2 shell mean radius, m 2/5 (r1s-r25)/(r13-r23) r1=external r2=internal, α=360o/n about an axis n=1,2,3,4,or 6. Rotator-reflection axis ñ=ĩ,2~,3~Poisson equation – spherical charge distribution p(r) and asks for the electric field strength  F(r) at a distance r 1 from the center of the sphere. The charge outside the sphere of radius r 1  does not contribute to F,  because the field strength inside a spherical cavity is zero. Q1 = ∫rio p(r), 4πr2 x dr  The distribution of charge fields inside and outside a sphere act as a point charge located in the center of the sphere. F(r1) = Q1/4πεoε x rf =1/4πεoε x rf x ∫r1op(r) x 4πr2dr. F(r1) is connected with the potential by F(r1) =-(dφ/dr)r1 therefore rf x (dφ/dr)r1 = -1/εoε x∫r1o p(r) x r2 x dr.

Ring theory
Emmy Noether  deals with abstraction of numbers as well as functions and operations “abstract algebra” also symmetries gauge and Noether theory = 100,000 trillion times smaller scale. Symmetry is dependent on time-space and control of the dynamics of physical interactions of matter. Space is considered isotropic, the same in all directions. In a continuum there is no smallest step, an infinite number of possible translational symmetry operation. Our universe is three-dimensional continuous translational symmetry. Symmetry is present when the equations don’t include a special point in space, “the laws of physics are invariant under translations in space” the laws of physics are time-translational invariant. Space has continuous rotational symmetries of the  laws of physics. The sphere is invariant under transformation, there are an infinite number of symmetry operations that can be performed on a sphere. A sphere is a continuous symmetry. The rotational symmetry of a spherical object is intimately connected to the symmetry of space, therefore you can’t distinguish between a rotating spherical object and rotating the entire universe about the spherical object. In a 3 dimensional universe, there are 3 perpendicular directions, in which we can translate a physical system, there must be 3 conserved momenta, one for each direction. Therefore, momentum, position of particles, velocity of a particle, or the force acting on a particle, has both direction in space and a magnitude, called a vector. The total momentum must be conserved. Angular momentum ultimately leads to “spooky” quantum phenomena and bizarre consequences for the behavior of matter in extreme conditions. There is no friction in space. Friction is a consequence of the complexity of the world around us, once accounted for the laws of inertia holds throughout the universe. 1g=10m/s2.
38% of g = comfortable acceleration, the magic number of gravity is Gn = 6.673 x 10-11m3/kgs2.
(Note there is an inherent symmetry in the human body and any operation the disturbs that symmetry is not good medicine.)

Aether “Energy” was a popular field of study in the 1800’s (John Ernest Worrel Keely)
The Characteristics of Aether are 1- A superfluity particulate medium which pervades all space (derivable from fluid mechanic) 2 – A medium, which in its various modes, the building blocks of the physical universe (vibratory physics) 3 – A medium, which in one of its modes is responsible for gravity and inertia (zero-point energy/ sonic stimulation) 4 – A medium which can be controlled by geometric shapes (spherical)
Experiments showed that between December 8th -15th and May 8th-15th are the heaviest local gravitation and inertial forces.

Tens of unexplainable microscopic and macroscopic effects in natural sciences and especially in physics and biology have been revealed and investigated. A large part of these phenomena were demonstrated by objects having spin or angular momentum. The first researchers who experimentally detected the unusual effects associated with torsion, Russian Professor N.P. Myshkin. In the 1940’s astrophysicist N.A. Kozyrew proposed the connection of rotation with energy output. According to the theory time and rotation are closely interconnected. N.A. Kozyrew detected a change in the weight with the angular velocity and the direction of rotation. The observed effects are explained as being the manifestation of some property of time. According to this theory, every substance has its own “chronal charge” defined by the quantity of chronal particles which were named “chronons.” It is the interaction of these chronons that affect the weight of the object spinning. They generated a field around it generated by spinning masses. A.I. Veinik discovered they were two types of chronons (plus and minus), dependant on the orientation of the spin. In all cases the observed effects of anti-gravitation. To explain the effects of anti-gravitation as a manifestation of torsion fields generated by the spin.

In the course of the latter 50 years there have been numerous reports on anomalous behavior or spin-polarized particles. If a mass ~ 1 kg is rotating with an angular velocity ~ 20,000 rpm then the inner force ~ 30* 10-5N. Their chronal fields could not be shielded by the usual screens. Many of these phenomena could be explained as results of the manifestation of long-range fields generated by spin or angular momentum density.

Later experiments conducted by the Institute of Material Research in Russia, It was that the emanation produced by mechanically rotating magnets was able to change the inner structure of any substance (its spin structure) interpreted as torsion radiation. G.I. Shipov based his investigations on the “Theory of physical vacuums” he used geometry of absolute parallelism with 6 additional rotational coordinated 10 movement equations. From Shipov’s vacuum equations every known fundamental physical equation (Einstein, Young-Mills, and Heisenberg) can be deduced in completely geometrized form. Besides the two known long range physical fields, electromagnetic and gravitational – there exists a third long range field possessing significantly richer properties; the torsion field. First the upper limit for the speed of torsion wave is estimated to be not less than 109c (c= speed of light). Second torsion fields are able to propagate not only in the future but in the past as well. Thirdly torsion fields transmit information without transmitting energy. Forth torsion fields are not required to follow the superposition principle.

Since all substances (except amorphous materials) have there own stereo-chemistry, which determines not only the location of atoms in molecules but also determines their mutual spin orientation, the superposition of torsion fields generated by the atomic and nuclear spin of each molecule determines the intensity of the torsion field in the space surrounding each molecule. The superposition of all these torsion fields determines the intensity and spatial configuration of the characteristic torsion field of that substance.

The spin-torsion interaction constant is equal to 10-5 – 10-6. This constant is less than the constant of electro magnetic interaction, yet greater than the constant of gravitational interaction. Thus the structure of the torsion field of every object can be changed by the influence of an external torsion field. The new configuration of the torsion field will be fixed as a metastable state and will remain intact after the source of the external torsion field is removed. Since every permanent magnet possesses not only oriented magnetic moments but also classical spin orientation as well, every permanent magnet possesses its own torsion field. Strong torsion fields are generated by high electrical potentials and by devices with organized circular or spiral electromagnetic processes.